Time Sites
- Truckee, CA
- http://www.acusti.ca
- @andpatton
Low-Budget Password Strength Estimation
Empower your website frontends with layouts, meta-data, pre-processors (markdown, jade, coffeescript, etc.), partials, skeletons, file watching, querying, and an amazing plugin system. DocPad will …
HTML5 application architecture using Backbone.js
a toolkit for rapid advanced front-end development
Lineman helps you build fat-client JavaScript apps. It produces happiness by building assets, mocking servers, running specs on every file change
Stitch your CommonJS modules together for the browser
QueryEngine provides extensive Querying, Filtering, and Searching abilities for Backbone.js Collections as well as JavaScript arrays and objects
Templating library that works on the server and client closely modeled on Mustache
atom.io package for interaction with Codebug
Align selections for Atom `⌘⌥^ ]`
Syntax specific settings for atom editor
An Atom plugin for supporting non-UTF-8 encoding files