Time Sites
- Truckee, CA
- http://www.acusti.ca
- @andpatton
[DEPRECATED, use customize-cra] Allow custom config for create-react-app without ejecting
An example Relay application
jeromelebel / MongoHub-Mac
Forked from bububa/MongoHub-MacMac Native Mongodb Client
fitzgen / source-map-rfc
Forked from tc39/ecma426RFCs for the source map debug format.
ttscoff / MMD-QuickLook
Forked from fletcher/MMD-QuickLookImproved QuickLook generator for MultiMarkdown files
sebmarkbage / art
Forked from kamicane/artRetained mode vector drawing API designed for multiple output modes. There's also a built-in SVG parser.
techninja / Method-Draw
Forked from methodofaction/Method-DrawTechninja's Method Draw fork, to track upstream changes for RoboPaint
adamjgrant / kickstart
Forked from twbs/bootstrapKickstart is a CSS library designed for modularity and fast page performance
protonet / jquery.inview
Forked from zuk/jquery.inviewA jQuery plugin that adds a bindable 'inview' event for detecting when an element is scrolled into view.
gitready / gitready
Forked from qrush/gitreadylearn git one commit at a time.
addyosmani / dotfiles
Forked from paulirish/dotfilesMy dot files (in need of updating to my latest)
ibdknox / noir
Forked from noir-clojure/noirA framework for writing web applications in clojure.
ttscoff / nv
Forked from scrod/nvMultiMarkdown version of Notational Velocity with Markdown editing features and preview
Sass support for TextMate & Sublime Text (2 & 3)
guybrush / file-uploader
Forked from FineUploader/fine-uploaderMultiple file upload plugin with progress-bar, drag-and-drop.
sergeche / tea-for-coda
Forked from onecrayon/tea-for-codaCoda plugin with useful HTML Text Editor Actions, written in Python