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npm i -g firebase tools firebase login firebase init hosting firebase serve firebase deploy npm i -g firebase-tools firebase init functions firebase deploy --only functions

create firebase project enable google auth Firebase uses json web tokens for authentication, so there's an encrypted token on the browser to id the user

Firebase Realtime Database vs Cloud Firestore While the Firebase Realtime Database is basically a giant JSON tree where anything goes and lawlessness rules the land1, Cloud Firestore is more structured. Cloud Firestore is a document-model database, which means that all of your data is stored in objects called documents that consist of key-value pairs

Cloud Firestore >enhanced scalibility >indexes permit for better larger querying (if you set up your models right) > 10x concurrent client connections (1M instead of 100k)

you may wanna put firebase app on wetbox and see if you can login

The Realtime Database primarily determines cost based on the amount of data that's downloaded Cloud Firestore's pricing is primarily driven by the number of reads or writes that you perform.

Downsides to cloud: Detecting presense (what user/devices are online) Higher lag if you do lots of small reads+writes per second, it could get more costly than real time database

simple dataset read frequently -> use realtime db larger dataset with relational dataset -> use cloud firestore

firebase follows mongodb (concept of documents), most widely adopted no-sql db in the world firestore noSql data modelling data simmilar to js object

  allow read, write;
  allows all

  allow read, write: if false; // < delete : if false to go ham and let anyone write

		if request.auth.uid != null;

replace <script defer src="/__/firebase/5.10.0/firebase-database.js"></script> with <script defer src="/__/firebase/5.10.0/firebase-firestore.js"></script>

(lat,long) = (-33,151) = integer point closest to Newcastle

user auth system directly tied to your database we can listen to data changes in realtime myPost.onSnapshot(doc => {...});

^ really cool. If your app is realtime in nature, this could save a whole lot of time :)

firebase does OPTIMISTIC UPDATES (if you have a listener on the field, it updates ui imediatly while sending to backend)

with firestore, you can query docs in a very expressive way

query operators: * field * operator * value

ie const query = productsRef.where('price', '>', 10);

returns all products whos price is greater than 10

<!-- update the version number as needed -->
<script defer src="/__/firebase/5.10.0/firebase-app.js"></script>
<!-- include only the Firebase features as you need -->
<script defer src="/__/firebase/5.10.0/firebase-auth.js"></script>
<script defer src="/__/firebase/5.10.0/firebase-firestore.js"></script>
<script defer src="/__/firebase/5.10.0/firebase-messaging.js"></script>
<script defer src="/__/firebase/5.10.0/firebase-storage.js"></script>
<!-- initialize the SDK after all desired features are loaded -->
<script defer src="/__/firebase/init.js"></script>

firebase.json SPA url rewrites: // ,"rewrites": [ // { // "source": "**", // "destination": "/index.html" // } // ]

functions ~ kinda like your own node.js server that runs on demand.

instead of having one app, create microservices that handle 1 specific function.

you can share info between backend code + database. see /functions directory

the admin sdk can only be used in a cloud-like environment