A posix script that helps you find Youtube videos (with out API) and opens/downloads using mpv/youtube-dl.
- History support
- Download support
- Format selection (and default selection)
Initially this used to be a single line script. But for portability and extensibility I am breaking my vow. If you still are here for the memes then use the line below.
[ -z "$*" ] || curl "https://www.youtube.com/results" -s -G --data-urlencode "search_query=$*" | pup 'script' | grep "^ *var ytInitialData" | sed 's/^[^=]*=//g;s/;$//' | jq '..|.videoRenderer?' | sed '/^null$/d' | jq '.title.runs[0].text,.longBylineText.runs[0].text,.shortViewCountText.simpleText,.lengthText.simpleText,.publishedTimeText.simpleText,.videoId'| sed 's/^"//;s/"$//;s/\\"//g' | sed -E -n "s/(.{60}).*/\1/;N;s/\n(.{30}).*/\n\1/;N;N;N;N;s/\n/\t|/g;p" | column -t -s "$(printf "\t")" | fzf --delimiter='\|' --nth=1,2 | sed -E 's_.*\|([^|]*)$_https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\1_' | xargs -r -I'{}' mpv {}
Defaults can be now set through environment variables instead of changing the script.
Use external menu (dmenu/rofi) instead of fzf using option -D (delete history has been shifted to -x), the menu command has to be specified as an environmental variable.
By default the external menu is dmenu -i -l 30
. If you want any other menu like rofi then export this variable in your ( ~/.bashrc , ~/.zshrc)
export YTFZF_EXTMENU=' rofi -dmenu -fuzzy -width 1500'
You can read more about this below. Dmenu may be slow when dealing with non English characters and symbols.
- Option to loop the video menu, the menu will be shown again as the video ends/closes.
Usage: ytfzf <search query>
-h Show this help text
-D Use dmenu instad of fzf
warning: doesn't work as smooth as fzf
-H Choose from history
-x Delete history
-m <search query> Audio only (for listening to music)
-d <search query> Download to current directory
-f <search query> Show available formats before proceeding
-a <search query> Auto play the first result, no fzf
-l <search query> loop: prompt again after video ends
- Videoes can be selected using fzf (default) or dmenu.
Watch video
ytfzf <query>
- You can use multiple options together, here are some examples
Steam audio (music), and prompt as the music finishes
ytfzf -ml <query>
Download a video from your history
ytfzf -dH
Open using dmenu in a certain format
ytfzf -fD
If you started watching a video and you wish to change format then first hit Q to save position and quit mpv, then choose your format using
ytfzf -faH
- Use
for subtitles (also works with audio, if the music video has subtitles) - Use
for single-loop
- mpv
- youtube-dl
- fzf - for menu
- jq - to parse json
sudo pacman -S jq mpv youtube-dl fzf
sudo apt install jq mpv youtube-dl fzf
Note youtube-dl is usually outdated in debian repos, I suggest getting it from
git clone https://github.com/pystardust/ytfzf
cd ytfzf
chmod +x ytfzf
Copy it to your path
sudo cp ytfzf /usr/local/bin/
Arch users can install ytfzf from the AUR
yay -S ytfzf-git
Defaults can be set by environmental variables.
Environment variables can be set in many ways. You can add them to you ~/.bashrc
If you prefer to watch Youtube videos in certain option with out the prompting every single time.
export YTFZF_PREF="22"
22: 720p, 18: 360p
If the preferred format is not available then, it will go back to auto selection.
On by default. If you don't want history.
export YTFZF_HIST=0
0: history off, 1: history on
- This history will be stored in the cache file as
You can modify the file location by changing the cache directory
export YTFZF_CACHE=~/.cache/ytfzf
Off by default. Can be turned on using option -l. Or setting
export YTFZF_LOOP=1
This would return you to the video selection prompt after the video is exited/ends.
To quit the script you can press
in the video selection prompt.
To use an external menu you will need to pass in the -D
ytfzf -D <query>
By default the external menu is set to dmenu dmenu -i -l 30
. You can modify to rofi this by
export YTFZF_EXTMENU=' rofi -dmenu -fuzzy -width 1500'
You also may need to modify the width of the output that is being piped into external menu
Depending on you screen resolution and font size this may need to be modified
WARNING : dmenu doesn't behave well with some fonts. Expect it to be slow when you have non-English character and symbols.
On by default. Stores the details of the currently playing track. Empty when nothing is playing. This could be used in status bar modules.
To disable it
export YTFZF_CUR=0
It will be stored in the ytfzf cache directory as ytfzf_cur
- Playlists
- Icons