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UI Selenium Webdriver sample module

Sample structure for Java-based Selenium UI test module which conforms to AEM Cloud Manager quality gate UI test conventions.

Cloud Manager UI test module conventions

AEM provides an integrated suite of Cloud Manager quality gates to ensure smooth updates to custom applications, UI tests are executed as part of a specific quality gate for each Cloud Manager pipeline with a dedicated Custom UI Testing step.

Within the project structure there is a specific location where the code Custom UI Tests are expected. The code in this folder is used as a Docker build context to produce a docker image which will be executed during the Custom UI Testing step in the pipeline.

The Cloud Manager UI test module convention defines the expected structure of the test module as well as the environment variables which will be passed at runtime. This is explained in detail in the Building UI Tests section of the documentation.


  • Bash script helper to check Selenium readiness in the Docker image
  • Dockerfile commands to assemble the image, including the maven profile to be executed to run the tests
  • docker-compose-(chrome|firefox).yaml all-in-one setup to run the test module against AEM instance in the desired browser
  • pom.xml defines project dependencies and build configuration which will be used by Cloud Manager to build the test module image
  • /test-module The test project (add your tests there)

Execute test module

Locally (standalone)

  • Start selenium locally

    # Start selenium docker image
    # we mount /tmp/shared as a shared volume that will be used between selenium and the test module for uploads
    docker run -d -p 4444:4444 -v /tmp/shared:/tmp/shared selenium/standalone-chromium:latest
  • If you don't have docker installed, you can download and run Selenium Server on your machine.

  • Change to test-module directory and execute, overriding properties as needed

    mvn verify -Pui-tests-local-execution -DAEM_AUTHOR_URL=

    NOTE if running against a local AEM instance (Quickstart) make sure that the AUTHOR/PUBLISH URL are resolvable from both the test module and the selenium instance.


The image built from the Dockerfile can be used to execute tests locally against an AEM environment. The ui-tests-docker-execution maven profile will start the docker-compose setup starting selenium and the test module, executing the tests against the AEM instance defined via environment variables. The test results will be stored in the ./target/reports directory.

The following environment variables (AEM UI test convention) can be passed

envvar default
AEM_AUTHOR_URL http://localhost:4502
AEM_PUBLISH_URL http://localhost:4503
REPORTS_PATH target/reports
  1. Build the Docker UI test image with below command
    mvn clean package -Pui-tests-docker-build
  2. Run the test
    mvn verify -Pui-tests-docker-execution -DAEM_AUTHOR_URL=

Integrate into your Cloud Manager repository

Follow these steps to use the Java Selenium tests:

  1. Remove all content in the ui.tests folder from your Cloud Manager repository.

  2. Copy all files located in this folder into the ui.tests folder.

  3. (Optionally) adjust the file pom.xml in the current folder and set parent as well as artifact information to the desired naming.

    Note: Do not modify the pom.xml file located inside the test-module folder.

  4. Commit and push the changes.

During the next pipeline execution, Cloud Manager will use the Java Selenium tests.