You've found GitSavvy's online documentation.
All documentation is in markdown. Beyond what you might expect, if you see a link to a different page, you can browse to that page by pressing SUPER-Enter while the link is under your cursor (CTRL-Enter on Windows).
To return to the previous page, press SUPER-Backspace (CTRL-Backspace on Windows).
If you run into any issues not addressed here, please feel free to open an issue and ask for help!
- git: diff current file inline
- git: diff current file inline (cached)
- git: quick stage
- git: diff
- git: diff cached
- git: commit
- git: commit including unstaged files
- git: amend previous commit
- git: fixup from stage
- git: quick commit
- git: quick stage current file and commit
- git: quick stage current file and fixup
- git: stash save
- git: stash save including untracked files
- git: stash save staged changes only
- git: stash show
- git: stash apply
- git: stash pop
- git: stash drop
- git: checkout
- git: checkout new branch
- git: checkout current file
- git: merge
- git: abort merge
- git: restart merge for file...
- git: checkout remote branch as local
- git: fetch
- git: pull
- git: push
- git: push to branch
- git: push to branch name
- git: log
- git: log current file
- git: graph
- git: graph current file
- git: compare against ...
- git: compare current file against ...
- git: blame current file
- git: reset
- git: reset (reflog)
- git: reset to branch
- git: cherry-pick
- git: ignore current file
- git: ignore pattern
- git: assume file unchanged
- git: restore file assumed unchanged
- GitSavvy: reload modules (debug)
- GitSavvy: start logging
- GitSavvy: stop logging
- GitSavvy: view recorded log
- github: open file on remote
- github: open repo
- github: open issues
- github: create pull request
- github: review pull request
- issues integration in commit view
- contributors integration in commit view
If you have the need, you can add your own commands that take advantage of GitSavvy's access to your repo. To do so, create a new User.sublime-commands
file in your User
Package directory. Then, add an entry like so:
"caption": "git: pull --rebase",
"command": "gs_custom",
"args": {
"output_to_panel": true,
"args": ["pull", "--rebase"],
"start_msg": "Starting pull (rebase)...",
"complete_msg": "Pull complete."
For more information see custom commands documentation
git-flow Support
- flow: init
- flow: feature/release/hotfix/support start
- flow: feature/release/hotfix/support finish
- flow: feature/release/hotfix publish
- flow: feature/release track
- flow: feature pull
For all syntax specific view we have a settings file. These are nothing extra from syntax specific settings. From any view you can click super+,
on Mac or ctrl+,
on Windows and Linux.
To open the GitSavvy settings, simply run the Preferences: GitSavvy Settings
command from the command palette. The default settings are documented with helpful inline comments.
Preferences Editor is really good package for editing you settings.
GitSavvy's default keyboard shortcuts are defined in the package's .sublime-keymap
- Default.sublime-keymap
- Default (Windows).sublime-keymap
- Default (OSX).sublime-keymap
- Default (Linux).sublime-keymap
The key bindings can be edited (and new ones added) via user defined .sublime-keymap
files. These can be accessed easily by running the "Preferences: Key Bindings" command in the command palette.
Here is an example of defining ctrl+s to run the git: status
dashboard on a MacOS system:
${ST3_PACKAGE_DIR}/User/Default (OSX).sublime-keymap
{ "keys": ["ctrl+s"], "command": "gs_show_status" }
The full list of GitSavvy's commands can be seen in Default.sublime-commands.