0-dependancy Keccak.
- 20% faster than
(also 2-3x smaller) - 350% faster than
Default — full library4KB
— only256-bit Keccak
Demo ⭐
import {keccak, sha3, shake} from '@adraffy/keccak';
// npm i @adraffy/keccak
// browser: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@adraffy/keccak@latest/dist/index.min.js
// create a hasher:
let h = keccak(); // default: 256-bit
h.update(new Uint8Array([3,4]); // byte array
h.update(new ArrayBuffer(2)); // array buffer
h.update([1,2]); // array of bytes
h.update('A'); // strings (utf8)
h.update_hex('0x123'); // hex-strings
// get hash
console.log(h.bytes); // Uint8Array
console.log(h.hex); // hex-string
// chainable
// shake support:
let s = shake(128);
s.bytes(); // first 32-bytes (default: derived from bits)
s.bytes(11); // next 11-bytes
s.hex(13); // next 13-bytes as hex-string
import {bytes_from_hex, hex_from_bytes} from '@adraffy/keccak';
// hex-string -> Uint8Array
bytes_from_hex('0x01'); // UintArray(1)[1]
bytes_from_hex('0x1'); // can be ragged
bytes_from_hex('01'); // "0x" is optional
bytes_from_hex(''); // UintArray(0)[]
// Uint8ArrayLike|string -> hex-string
// note: no "0x" prefix
hex_from_bytes([1,2,3,4]); // "01020304"
import {bytes_from_utf8, utf8_from_bytes} from '@adraffy/keccak';
// string -> Uint8Array
bytes_from_utf8('abc'); // UintArray(3)[97, 98, 99]
bytes_from_utf8(''); // UintArray(0)[]
// Uint8ArrayLike|hex-string -> string
// throws on invalid utf8
utf8_from_bytes([240, 159, 146, 169])); // "💩"
import keccak256 from '.../dist/keccak256.min.js';
// Uint8Array -> Uint8Array
keccak256(new Uint8Array([1,2,3])); // Uint8Array(32)[...]
- permute.js
- Round Constant LFSR from XKCP
- 32-bit Permute from emn178/js-sha