The goal of this tutorial is to pair arbitrary bluetooth speaker and use with and the standard output for Home Assistant (HASSO)
Used installation:
- Proxmox
- Home Assitant (Supervisioned version)
- any bluetooth spearker without auto-shutdown funciton when inactive (not playing for a longer time). Iv'e used Xiaomi Mi Compact Bluetooth Speaker 2
I. Connection: 1. Identify your BT speaker's BT MAC Address & BT Name 2. Make sure that Proxmox - HA VM as Audio device added (for example: device=intel-hda, driver=none) 3. Install SSH addon into the HA and configure it 4. Switch off yout BT speaker 5. Loging into the HA using termina: login@IP_Adress 6. Type: bluetoothctl 7. Type: scan on 8. Switch on your BT speaker & paring mode 9. Check on the console if your BT speaker was detected (by name of MAC adress) 10. Type: pair MAC_ADRESS (for example: pair 00:11:22:33:44:55) 11. Type: trust MAC_ADRESS (for example: trust 00:11:22:33:44:55) 12. Type: connect MAC_ADRESS (for example: connect 00:11:22:33:44:55) 13. (in the case of any problems type help for more info) 14. At this point your BT should be connected to your HA
II. Installing requied add-ons & integrations 1. Goto HA and install Settings -> Add-in VLC Local a. Goto VLC Local -> Configuration b. Set the Telnet Password and Http Password (you can use the default mypasswrd as well) c. change the Audio-Output to the correspinding BT Name 2. Go back ot VLC-Local Info tab and enable Auto-Start 3. Go to HA Settings -> Devices & Services (Integrations) and Add New Integration 4. Search for VLC LAN select it and pick-up Local VLC Media player via Telnet 5. Enter the password Telnet Password and click Submit
III. Testing
- Go to Developers Tools and Services and enter followings : a. Service: Media player: Play media b. Target: Search for VLC and select your one c. Content type: music d. Content ID: /local/your.mp3 (files your.mp3 should be located at the local/www/ folder of your HA installation) e. Press Call-Service