Goal plan is in Notion.
Make the best tool for learning anything and sharing ideas. Release website, mobile app, API. Build up community.
Lots of inspiration. I want a personal space I can expand and build upon (experiment).
Blog, wiki, art, projects, photos. Look backs as nice newsletters + rich derived data (from GitHub/Twitter/..).
Read relevant books & papers.
Lots of ideas around improving my workflow further. Build them.
Eat healthy and exercise daily. Work ergonomically. Follow rules.
Understand tools I use deeply. Solve problems & write about what I learned.
Remove any friction I feel. Filter out wasteful news, info. No thoughtless actions. Focus on goals & todos. No time wasted.
Make screencasts/videos to educate. Write. Practice photography. Compose music. Design. Share & learn with community.
Be inspired & improve myself. Reach out to people I admire.
Create amazing things for a better future.
Focus on solving real global problems like reversing climate change (electrically powered everything, fully renewable energy), saving animals (animal rights same as humans, can't be eaten, can't be harmed) and overthrowing oppressive regimes.
Earth is for everyone, not just humans. Be kind. Be goal & value driven.