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Service workers |
- Instant Webpages and Terabytes of Data Savings Through the Magic of Service Workers (2019)
- Smaller HTML Payloads with Service Workers (2020)
- Service Worker Cookbook - Collection of working, practical examples of using service workers in modern web sites. (Code)
- Workbox API - JavaScript Libraries for adding offline support to web apps.
- How to Fix the Refresh Button When Using Service Workers (2017)
- WASI Worker - WASM / WASI interface for browser service workers.
- uhtml-ssr - Uhtml for Service Worker, Web Worker, NodeJS, and other SSR cases.
- Stealing web browser history with Service Workers
- SWDEV - No bundle frontend by service-worker.
- Now THAT’S What I Call Service Worker! (2021)
- mho - Experimental service-worker based build system.
- tsdotnet / parallel - Utility for automatically partitioning tasks (promises) and executing them in parallel using separate processes or web workers.
- super-workers - Distribute load on front-end via parallelism.
- Hamsters.js - 100% Vanilla Javascript Multithreading & Parallel Execution Library. (Web)
- promise-worker - Promise-based messaging for Web Workers and Service Workers.
- Service Worker Launch Event
- Adapting caching to your needs - Unpacking the Workbox (2021)
- msgr - Makes communication between a client and service worker super easy.
- Background processing with JS apps tips (2021)
- isoworker - Isomorphic workerization with context in 6kB.
- Add a Service Worker to Your Site
- Full Video Buffer with Service Workers
- Progress indicators/bars using Streams, Service Workers, and Fetch APIs