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Vite |
Build tool that aims to provide a faster and leaner development experience for modern web projects
tinypages seems nice.
- Can add
to force refresh vite cache. Likepnpm run dev --force
- vite-on-swc
- Vite for Browser - Fork of vite which aims at being used in a browser (served by service worker).
- vite-jest - First-class Vite integration for Jest.
- vite-plugin-federation - Module Federation for vite & rollup.
- Vitebook - Fast alternative to Storybook. Powered by Vite. (Docs)
- Storybook builder for Vite
- Vitest - Blazing fast unit test framework powered by Vite. (Web)
- unplugin-auto-import - Auto import APIs on-demand for Vite, Webpack and Rollup.
- haya - Dev server and a bundler based on esbuild. Heavily copied from Vite.
- vite-plugin-cloudflare - Software for transforming & bundling cloudflare workers with shimming node globals and builtins like process, os, stream.
- vite-plugin-compile-time - Use this plugin to generate code at compile time or get data at compile time in your Vite projects.
- saus - SSG framework powered by Vite.
- vite-plugin-import-build - Make
paths statically analysable. E.g. for bundling for Cloudflare Workers. - vite-plugin-remove-exports - Vite plugin to remove certain exports.
- go-vite - Vite, but in Go.
- vite-plugin-image-presets - Image Presets for Vite.js apps.
- A Rubyist's Guide to Vite.js (2021)
- HeadKit - Framework-agnostic
management. - Vite Rollup Plugins
- Vite Plugin Book - Magical vite plugin that helps you to generate and manage documentation website.
- vite-plugin-zig - Import WebAssembly modules compiled from Zig files.
- vite-plugin-style-import - Plug-in that imports component library styles on demand.
- A deep-dive on Vite (2022)
- Vite Plugin Node - Vite plugin to allow you to use vite as node dev server.
- vite-plugin-ssg-utils - Utils for vite-ssg and other Vite SSG or SSR tools.
- vite-plugin-bundled-entry - Vite plugin that generates a bundled entry file.
- bundle-require - Bundle and
a file, the same way Vite loadsvite.config.ts
. - vite-plugin-mix - Adding backend API to your Vite app.
- vite-rtk-query - Vite template for React + TypeScript + Redux-toolkit / RTK Query.
- vite-plugin-pages - File system based routing for Vue 3 / React applications using Vite.
- vite-plugin-md - Markdown with Vue for Vite.
- Vite Ecosystem CI
- Vite Plugin GraphQL Codegen - Zero-config vite plugin that uses the vite file watcher to run graphql codegen programmatically without needing to start a separate watcher.
- vite-plugin-imp - Vite plugin for import library component style automatic.
- vite-plugin-singlefile - Vite plugin for inlining JavaScript and CSS resources.
- vite-plugin-dts - Vite plugin for generating
files. - vite-hot-client - Get Vite's import.meta.hot at runtime.
- vite-dev-rpc - Remote procedure call for client-server communication in Vite plugins.
- Vext - NextJS alternative built on top of Vite, React Router, React Query.
- vite-plugin-glob - Design experiment for import.meta.glob from Vite.
- Vitest for VSCode - VSCode extension for vitest.
- vite-plugin-ssr - Like Next.js / Nuxt but as do-one-thing-do-it-well Vite plugin. (Code)
- vite-ssr-next-auth - Sample repo to make next-auth work with vite-plugin-ssr.
- vite-dts - Generate a .d.ts module for both .es and .cjs entry points when using Vite's lib mode.
- Vitamin - Opinionated Vite starter template.
- Eslint plugin for vitest
- Adding CDN Caching to a Vite Build (2022)
- Vite SSR Relay - Vite SSR framework with support for React SSR streaming and Relay.
- Vite Plugin Auto import - Automatically detect and import components or modules.
- Vite Config JSON - Automatically import dist/server/ assets.
- Generouted - Generated file-based routes for React Location and Vite.
- Vite SSG Sitemap - Sitemap generator working with vite-ssg.
- Micro Vite - Create a minimal Vite like tool in 350 lines.
- Vite-React Devtools Extension
- Vite Plugin Turbosnap - Enables the use of Chromatic Turbosnap in vite storybook projects.
- Histoire - Fast stories powered by Vite. (Vue 3 examples) (Twitter) (Code)
- Vite Plugin Cem - Custom elements manifest builder for ViteJS.
- Vite Plugin Inline CSS Modules - Write CSS modules without leaving your JS.
- Netlify Edge Function support for Vite
- Vercel Middleware for Every Vite Project (2022)
- Vite How to Guide
- vite-vercel - Adding Vercel middleware support to your Vite project.
- vite-plugin-environment - Easily expose environment variables in Vite.js.
- vavite - Develop server-side applications with Vite.
- Webfont DL - Vite plugin - Make your Vite site load faster & boost SEO performance.
- Vite Code
- Problems with shipping ESM only in production
- vite-tsconfig-paths - Support for TypeScript's path mapping in Vite.
- Awesome Vite
- Vite SSR Plugin
- Develop with Vite
- Vite: Rethinking Frontend Tooling
- Vite Build explained
- vite-plugin-macro
- vite-plugin-svgr - Vite plugin to transform SVGs into React components.
- Compile Markdown to Vue component
- vite-plugin-pages-sitemap
- Vite setup catalogue - Contains several example of Vite setups.