auth_server is a node application acting as an authentication and portable contact server. It uses mongodb as DB.
It's a part of a project named turbulences for creating a distributed social network.
Based on oauth2_client_node and oauth2_server_node, it follows the draft 10 of the OAuth2 specification. As these projects evolve, auth_server will follow the OAuth2 specification evolutions.
The benefits are multiple:
- there is only one application where Alice has to be registered (and so one set of credentials per user);
- when developing a new application, there is no need to recreate all user registration process stuff, but only to plug the application to auth_server;
auth_server is functionnal (ie: users can sign in/out the the application and others applications using the service), but the administration interface lacks many features, including adding/editing user's contacts.
This project is alpha software, it might not be ready for production use yet.
auth_server is developed together with:
- oauth2_client_node, a connect middleware featuring an OAuth2 client.
- oauth2_server_node, a connect middleware featuring an OAuth2 server bases.
Make sure gettext (xgettext and msgfmt) are installed on your system, then:
make install
make update_js_templates
Make sure nodetk/bins is in your PATH environment variable and NODE_PATH environment variable includes node/lib directory. For more info on this, please have a look at the nodetk README file. (looks like 'npm install .' in vendor/nodetk should do the trick) Then:
nodetests src/tests
When updating the templates, they need to be "repackaged" for the web application. This can be done doing:
make update_js_templates
or, to skip the i18n process:
make skip
This command will load some testing data in the DB:
node src/scripts/load_data.js
Tweak the config.js
file to fit your needs, then:
node src/server.js
auth_server uses many other projects, including:
connect-form using node-formidable
nodetk (only for testing)
node (v0.4)
mongodb (>=v1.4)
xgettext and msgfmt (Debian package gettext)
$> git submodule update --init $ > npm bundle
A wiki page lists the projects and organizations using auth_server. Don't hesitate to edit it.
GET /clients
POST /clients
PUT /clients/:id
DELETE /clients/:id
GET /users
POST /me/password
We follow the the current specification of portables contacts.
All filtering/sorting are not available.
Example of a portable contact record:
"displayName": "Foo Bar",
"name": {
"familyName": "Foo",
"givenName": Bar"
"id": "XXXX"
GET /portable_contacts/@me/@self
$ curl --header "Authorization: OAuth TOKEN" /portable_contacts/@me/@self
GET /portable_contacts/@me/@all
$ curl --header "Authorization: OAuth TOKEN" /portable_contacts/@me/@all
GET /portable_contacts/@me/@all/:id
$ curl --header "Authorization: OAuth TOKEN" /portable_contacts/@me/@all/:id
POST /portable_contacts/@me/@all
$ curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Authorization: OAuth TOKEN" /portable_contacts/@me/@all --data-binary @portable_contact.json
PUT /portable_contacts/@me/@all/:id
$ curl -X PUT --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Authorization: OAuth TOKEN" /portable_contacts/@me/@all/:id --data-binary @portable_contact.json
DELETE /portable_contacts/@me/@all/:id
$ curl -X DELETE --header "Authorization: OAuth TOKEN" /portable_contacts/@me/@all/:id
Remove authorizations.
Add portable contacts api.
Updated many dependencies.
(c) 2011 af83
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see