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Pulsar deployment in a Kubernetes cluster

Using the YAML definition in this directory as a guide line, it is easy to deploy a complete Pulsar cluster (with ZooKeeper, BookKeeper and monitoring).

Create Kubernetes cluster

Deploying in Google Container Engine (GKE)

GKE automates the creation of Kubernetes clusters within the Google Compute Engine environment.

Go to and create a new project and download the gcloud CLI tools.

Create a new Kubernetes cluster

Create a new cluster with 3 VMs, each using 2 locally attached SSDs. The 2 SSDs will be used by Bookie instances, one for the journal and the other for storing the data.

$ gcloud container clusters create pulsar-us-cent \
        --zone=us-central1-a \
        --machine-type=n1-standard-8 \
        --num-nodes=3 \
        --local-ssd-count=2 \

By default, the Bookies will be running on all the machines that have locally attached SSD disks. In this example, all the machines will have 2 SSDs, but different kind of machines can be added later to the cluster and by using labels, you can control on which machines to start the bookie processes.

Follow the "Connect to the cluster" instructions to open the Kubernetes dashboard in the browser.

Deploy on custom Kubernetes cluster

Pulsar can be deployed on a local Kubernetes cluster as well. You can find detailed documentation on how to choose a method to install Kubernetes at

To install a mini local cluster, for testing purposes, running in VMs in the local machines you can either:

  1. Use minikube to have a single-node Kubernetes cluster
  2. Create a local cluster running on multiple VMs on the same machine

For the 2nd option, follow the instructions at

In short, make sure you have Vagrant and VirtualBox installed, and then:

$ git clone
$ cd kubernetes-vagrant-coreos-cluster

# Start a 3 VMs cluster
$ NODES=3 USE_KUBE_UI=true vagrant up

Create the SSD disks mount points on the VMs. Bookies expect to have 2 logical devices to mount for journal and storage. In this VM exercise, we will just create 2 directories on each VM:

$ for vm in node-01 node-02 node-03; do
	NODES=3 vagrant ssh $vm -c "sudo mkdir -p /mnt/disks/ssd0"
	NODES=3 vagrant ssh $vm -c "sudo mkdir -p /mnt/disks/ssd1"

Once the cluster is up, you can verify that kubectl can access it:

$ kubectl get nodes
NAME           STATUS                     AGE       VERSION   Ready,SchedulingDisabled   10m       v1.6.4   Ready                      8m        v1.6.4   Ready                      6m        v1.6.4   Ready                      5m        v1.6.4

To use the proxy to access the web interface :

$ kubectl proxy

and open http://localhost:8001/ui

Pulsar components deployment

The YAML resource definitions for Pulsar components can be found in the kubernetes folder of this repository.

There are 2 versions, one for Google Container Engine (GKE) and the other for the generic kubernetes deployment


kubectl apply -f zookeeper.yaml

Wait until all 3 ZK server pods are up and running. The first time will take a bit longer since it will be downloading the Docker image on the VMs.

Initialize cluster metadata

This step is needed to initialize the Pulsar and BookKeeper metadata within ZooKeeper.

$ kubectl exec -it zk-0 -- \
    bin/pulsar initialize-cluster-metadata \
        --cluster us-central \
        --zookeeper zookeeper \
        --global-zookeeper zookeeper \
        --web-service-url http://broker.default.svc.cluster.local:8080/ \
        --broker-service-url pulsar://broker.default.svc.cluster.local:6650/

Deploy the rest of components

$ kubectl apply -f bookie.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f broker.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f monitoring.yaml

These command will deploy 3 brokers and 3 bookies (one bookie per VM), plus the monitoring infrastructure (Prometheus, Grafana and Pulsar-Dashboard).

Setup Property and namespaces

This step is not strictly required if Pulsar authentication and authorization is turned on, though it allows later to change the policies for each of the namespaces.

Connect to the pulsar-admin pod that is already configured to act as a client in the newly created cluster.

$ kubectl exec pulsar-admin -it -- bash

From there we can issue all admin commands:

export MY_PROPERTY=prop
export MY_NAMESPACE=prop/us-central/ns

# Provision a new Pulsar property (as in "tenant")
$ bin/pulsar-admin properties create $MY_PROPERTY \
        --admin-roles admin \
        --allowed-clusters us-central

# Create a namespace can be spread on up to 16 brokers (initially)
$ bin/pulsar-admin namespaces create $MY_NAMESPACE --bundles 16

Use CLI tools to test

From the same pulsar-admin pod, we can start a test producer to send 10K messages/s:

$ bin/pulsar-perf produce \
            persistent://prop/us-central/ns/my-topic \
            --rate 10000

Similarly, we can start a consumer to subscribe and receive all the messages

$ bin/pulsar-perf consume persistent://prop/us-central/ns/my-topic \
                --subscriber-name my-subscription-name

To get the stats for the topic on the CLI:

$ bin/pulsar-admin persistent stats persistent://prop/us-central/ns/my-topic



All the metrics are being collected by a Prometheus instance running inside the Kubernetes cluster. Typically there is no need to access directly Prometheus, but rather just use the Grafana interface that is exposing the data stored in Prometheus.

Grafana dashboards

There are dashboards for Pulsar namespaces (rates/latency/storage), JVM stats, ZooKeeper and BookKeeper.

Get access to the pod serving Grafana:

kubectl port-forward $(kubectl get pods | grep grafana | awk '{print $1}') 3000

Then open the browser at http://localhost:3000/

Pulsar dashboard

While grafana/prometheus are used to provide graphs with historical data, Pulsar dashboard reports more detailed current data for the single topics.

For example, you can have sortable tables with all namespaces, topics and broker stats, with details on the IP address for consumers, since when they were connected and much more.

Get access to the pod serving the Pulsar dashboard:

$ kubectl port-forward $(kubectl get pods | grep pulsar-dashboard | awk '{print $1}') 8080:80

Then open the browser at http://localhost:8080/