fmt::printf as extensible C++ replacement for std::printf
This header-only C++11 package provides fmt::printf which is intended as a type-safe and extensible drop-in replacement for std::printf. The principal idea is to replace
#include <cstdio>
// ...
int count = std::printf("%d\n", val);
count = std::fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", errmsg);
count = std::snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%d", val);
count = std::wprintf(L"%d\n", val);
#include "printf.hpp"
// ...
int count = fmt::printf("%d\n", val);
count = fmt::printf(std::cerr, "%s\n", errmsg);
count = fmt::snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%d\n", val);
count = fmt::printf(L"%d\n", val); // goes to std::wcout
where the behaviour is expected to be identical with the exception that
fmt::printf prints to extensions of basic_ostream instead of FILE*
and that the locale of the output stream is used instead of the global
C locale.
Thanks to the variadic templates of C++11, fmt::printf provides the
functionality of std::printf in a typesafe way. Consequently, it no
longer matters for fmt::printf whether you use "%f"
, "%lf"
, or
as format as the associated operand type is well known.
fmt::printf is extensible as all operand types are supported
for which an <<-operator exists. Example for std::complex:
std::complex c = /* ... */;
fmt::printf("c = %20.4g\n", c);
fmt::printf uses C++ I/O format flags but makes sure that the previous
state of the output stream is restored to its original state after its
invocation. Any previous state is ignored, i.e. fmt::printf("%x", val)
will print val in hex even if std::cout << std::oct
has been used
before, and the previous octal conversion preference will stay in
effect for <<-operators after the invocation of fmt::printf.
This implementation aims to support faithfully all features of std::printf according to ISO 9899:2011 and IEEE Std 1003.1, 2013 (POSIX). Other important points were to keep it small and header-only. These goals have been more important than performance.
This implementation is based on the C++ standard
library and its existing conversions. Some work has
been spent to work around incompatibilities between
C und C++ in regard to formatted printing. There
exists, however, one known exception where fmt::printf
diverts from standard behaviour of std::printf. The problem
is the combination of "%a"
with a precision, e.g. "%.2a"
This odd combination is not supported by C++11 (see
in ISO 14882:2011) but supported by std::printf (see
in ISO 9899:2011). But it may be questioned how common
or useful it is to combine this.
In particular, fmt::printf supports
- the return value, i.e. the number of bytes written,
- the precision is honored by %s and integer conversions (in contrast to std::setprecision which is honored by floating point conversions only)
- conversions that take the n-th argument, e.g.
print("%2$s, %1$s\n", "world", "Hello");
, and %n
conversions that take an int* where the number of bytes written so far is stored.
Note that fmt::printf, much like std::printf, is locale-dependent. But std::printf is based on the global C locale whereas the behaviour of fmt::printf depends on the locale of the output stream. One notable exception is grouping. This is supported by the C++ locale system but not by C. Instead std::printf provides the apostrophe format flag that asks for a grouping with thousands. To conform to std::printf behaviour, the grouping by fmt::printf depends solely on the use of the apostrophe flag, not on the locale.
This package is available under the terms of the MIT License.
To use fmt::printf, you will need just to drop
within your project and #include
The source file test_suite.cpp
is a test suite
testing fmt::printf against std::printf and
the Makefile helps to compile it.
This is not the first attempt to provide printf look and feel in a type-safe way for C++. There exist numerous other implementations. I want to name a few:
In 1994, Cay S. Horstmann published an article about extending the iostreams library in C++ Report where he proposed setformat which takes one format specification and configures the stream accordingly like other manipulators. Example from his paper:
cout << "(" << setformat("%8.2f") << x << "," << setformat("8.2f") << y << ")" << endl;
The Boost Format library offers an approach that permits the grouping of multiple conversions. As the %-operator is used, it does not depend on variadic templates. Example:
std::cout << boost::format("(x, y) = (%4f, %4f)\n" % x % y;
Zhihao Yuan proposed a C++ standard extension providing a printf-like interface for the C++ streams library that is likewise available at Github. Example:
std::cout << std::putf("(x, y) = (%4f, %4f)\n", x, y);
C++ Format by Victor Zverovich provides a library which is no longer header-only with two APIs, one of them offering format strings as in Python. Example:
fmt::print("I'd rather be {1} than {0}.", "right", "happy");