Terraform Script Builder | export valid Terraform scripts using UI
Name | Comments |
terraformer | "A CLI tool that generates tf/json and tfstate files based on existing infrastructure (reverse Terraform)." |
terraforming | "Export existing AWS resources to Terraform style (tf, tfstate)" |
terrascan | "Detect compliance and security violations across Infrastructure as Code to mitigate risk before provisioning cloud native infrastructure" |
- Don't edit it manually. tfstate was designed to be manipulated by terraform and not by users directly.
- Store it in secured location (since it can include credentials and sensitive data in general)
- Backup it regularly so you can roll-back easily when needed
- Store it in remote shared storage. This is especially needed when working in a team and the state can be updated by any of the team members
- Enabled versioning if the storage where you store the state file, supports it. Versioning is great for backups and roll-backs in case of an issue.
Initialize terraform:
terraform init
See what Terraform will execute if running apply:
terraform plan
Apply Terraform configuration/code:
terraform apply
Cleanup, remove Terraform generated resources:
terraform destroy
Dependency graph:
terraform graph
- Show state:
terraform show
- List resources from the state:
terraform state list
- Rename resource:
terraform state mv
- Import existing infrastructure into state:
terraform import
Pass var:
terraform -var
Pass vars file:
terraform -var-file
List all outputs:
terraform output
Get specific output:
terraform output <OUTPUT_VAR>
- Get data:
- Use variables in a remote backend:
terraform init -backend-config=some_backend_partial_conf.hcl
- Create a new workspace:
terraform workspace new <WORKSPACE_NAME>
- Show current workspace:
terraform workspace show
- Console:
terraform console