This module contains benchmarks written using JMH from OpenJDK. Writing correct micro-benchmarks in Java (or another JVM language) is difficult and there are many non-obvious pitfalls (many due to compiler optimizations). JMH is a framework for running and analyzing benchmarks (micro or macro) written in Java (or another JVM language).
For help in writing correct JMH tests, the best place to start is the sample code provided by the JMH project.
Typically, JMH is expected to run as a separate project in Maven. The jmh-benchmarks module uses the gradle shadow jar plugin to emulate this behavior, by creating the required uber-jar file containing the benchmarking code and required JMH classes.
JMH is highly configurable and users are encouraged to look through the samples for suggestions on what options are available. A good tutorial for using JMH can be found here
If no benchmark mode is specified, the default is used which is throughput. It is assumed that users run the gradle tasks with './gradlew' from the root of the Kafka project.
jmh-benchmarks:shadowJar - creates the uber jar required to run the benchmarks.
jmh-benchmarks:jmh - runs the
tasks followed by all the benchmarks.
If you want to set specific JMH flags or only run a certain test(s) passing arguments via
gradle tasks is cumbersome. Instead you can use the
script. NOTE: It is assumed users run
the script from the jmh-benchmarks module.
Run a specific test setting fork-mode (number iterations) to 2 :
./ -f 2 LRUCacheBenchmark
By default all JMH output goes to stdout. To run a benchmark and capture the results in a file:
./ -f 2 -o benchmarkResults.txt LRUCacheBenchmark
NOTE: For now this script needs to be run from the jmh-benchmarks directory.
The JMH benchmarks can be run outside of gradle as you would with any executable jar file:
java -jar <kafka-repo-dir>/jmh-benchmarks/build/libs/kafka-jmh-benchmarks-all.jar -f2 LRUCacheBenchmark
Some common JMH options are:
-e <regexp+> Benchmarks to exclude from the run.
-f <int> How many times to fork a single benchmark. Use 0 to
disable forking altogether. Warning: disabling
forking may have detrimental impact on benchmark
and infrastructure reliability, you might want
to use different warmup mode instead.
-o <filename> Redirect human-readable output to a given file.
-v <mode> Verbosity mode. Available modes are: [SILENT, NORMAL,
To view all options run jmh with the -h flag.