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CSGHub is an open-source large model platform just like on-premise version of Hugging Face. You can easily manage models and datasets, deploy model applications and setup model finetune or inferenc…
A backend management system based on vue3, typescript, element-plus, and vite
A no-code tool to build http API from sql. Only need to write sql , then http API generated automatically. Especially suitable for developing backend service for report.
Nuxt3+Vue3 online education SSR website. Nuxt3+Vue3实战在线教育SSR网站
🚀 A modern, high-performance monorepo project designed with Google Translate JS SDK. Vue and react are supported!
Elasticsearch GUI client for Mac, windows and linux, Opensearch GUI client for Mac, windows and linux
Virtual list component library supporting waterfall flow based on vue
One click to deploy your own AI Application Web UI, including GPT, Midjourney, ChatDoc, QrArt and easily earn profits.
基于Vue3 + Element-Plus + Vite 开发的中/后台管理系统
A admin template, use the latest technology, based on Vue3,Vite3,Typescript,Pinia,Unocss,Element-plus,pnpm [一个基于Vue3,Vite3,Typescript,Pinia,Unocss,Element-plus,pnpm,使用最新技术栈的的中后台模板]
🎉🎉使用Vite + Vue3 + Pinia + Vue-router + TypeScript + Element-plus + Mock开发的后台管理系统🎉🎉
vue-dark-photo 一款基于vue2.x封装的轻便简易的图片预览组件,支持放大、缩小、下载、打印等功能。
🍭使用Vite5 + Vue3 + Pinia + VueRouter4 + TypeScript + ElementPlus + MockJs开发的后台管理系统模板🍭
Frontend for HR Admin Console with Vue 2.6