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deepface is a lightweight python based facial analysis framework including face recognition and demography (age, gender, emotion and race). You can use the framework with a just few lines of codes.

Face Recognition

Verify function under the DeepFace interface is used for face recognition.

from deepface import DeepFace
result = DeepFace.verify("img1.jpg", "img2.jpg")

Model: VGG-Face
Similarity metric: Cosine
Found Distance: 0.25638097524642944
Max Threshold to Verify: 0.40
Result: They are same

Face recognition models

Face recognition can be handled by different models. Currently, VGG-Face , Facenet and OpenFace models are supported in deepface. The default configuration verifies faces with VGG-Face model. You can set the base model while verification as illustared below. Accuracy and speed show difference based on the performing model.

vggface_result = DeepFace.verify("img1.jpg", "img2.jpg") #default is VGG-Face
#vggface_result = DeepFace.verify("img1.jpg", "img2.jpg", model_name = "VGG-Face")
facenet_result = DeepFace.verify("img1.jpg", "img2.jpg", model_name = "Facenet")
openface_result = DeepFace.verify("img1.jpg", "img2.jpg", model_name = "OpenFace")

VGG-Face has the highest accuracy score but it is not convenient for real time studies because of its complex structure. Facenet is a complex model as well. On the other hand, OpenFace has a close accuracy score but it performs the fastest. That's why, OpenFace is much more convenient for real time studies.


These models actually find the vector embeddings of faces. Decision of verification is based on the distance between vectors. Distance could be found by different metrics such as Cosine Similarity, Euclidean Distance and L2 form. The default configuration finds the cosine similarity. You can alternatively set the similarity metric while verification as demostratred below.

result = DeepFace.verify("img1.jpg", "img2.jpg", model_name = "VGG-Face", distance_metric = "cosine")
result = DeepFace.verify("img1.jpg", "img2.jpg", model_name = "VGG-Face", distance_metric = "euclidean")
result = DeepFace.verify("img1.jpg", "img2.jpg", model_name = "VGG-Face", distance_metric = "euclidean_l2")


Verification function returns a tuple including boolean verification result, distance between two faces and max threshold to identify.

(True, 0.281734, 0.30)

You can just check the verification result to decide that two images are same person or not. Thresholds for distance metrics are already tuned in the framework for face recognition models and distance metrics.

verified = result[0] #returns True if images are same person's face

Instead of using pre-tuned threshold values, you can alternatively check the distance by yourself.

distance = result[1] #the less the better
threshold = 0.30 #threshold for VGG-Face and Cosine Similarity
if distance < threshold:
   return True
   return False

Facial Attribute Analysis

Deepface also offers facial attribute analysis including age, gender, emotion and race predictions. Analysis function under the DeepFace interface is used to find demography of a face.

from deepface import DeepFace
demography = DeepFace.analyze("img4.jpg") #passing nothing as 2nd argument will find everything
#demography = DeepFace.analyze("img4.jpg", ['age', 'gender', 'race', 'emotion']) #identical to above line

Analysis function returns a json object.

   "age": 31.25149216214664
   , "gender": "Woman"
   , "race": {
      "asian": 0.43224629728474007,
      "indian": 1.3657950678941648,
      "black": 0.05537125728443308,
      "white": 75.67231510116548,
      "middle eastern": 13.872351579210257,
      "latino hispanic": 8.601920819397021
   , "dominant_race": "white"
   , "emotion": {
      "angry": 0.08186087173241338,
      "disgust": 2.225523142400352e-06,
      "fear": 0.04342652618288561,
      "happy": 90.62228091028702,
      "sad": 1.1166408126522078,
      "surprise": 0.6784230348078054,
      "neutral": 7.457371945067876
   , "dominant_emotion": "happy"

Then, you can retrieve the fields of the response object easily in Python.

import json
demography = json.loads(demography)
print("Age: ",demography["age"])


The easiest way to install deepface is to download it from PyPI.

pip install deepface

Alternatively, you can directly download the source code from this repository. GitHub repo might be newer than the PyPI version.

git clone
cd deepface
pip install -e .

Initial tests are run for Python 3.5.5 on Windows 10 but this is an OS-independent framework. Even though pip handles to install dependent libraries, the framework basically needs the following dependencies. You might need the following library requirements if you install the source code from github.

pip install numpy==1.14.0
pip install pandas==0.23.4
pip install matplotlib==2.2.2
pip install gdown==3.10.1
pip install opencv-python==3.4.4
pip install tensorflow==1.9.0
pip install keras==2.2.0
pip install tqdm==4.30.0


Reference face recognition models have different type of licenses. This framework is just a wrapper for those models. That's why, licence types are inherited as well. You should check the licenses for the face recognition models before use.

Herein, OpenFace is licensed under Apache License 2.0, and Facenet is licensed under MIT License. They both allow you to use commercial use. On the other hand, VGG-Face is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution License. That's why, it is restricted to adopt VGG-Face for commercial use.


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Deepface is licensed under the MIT License - see LICENSE for more details.