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This directory contains the code used for the benchmarks by Dalskov et al. *-ecdsa-party.cpp contains the high-level programs while the two phases are implemented in preprocessing.hpp and sign.hpp, respectively.


  • Compile the binaries: make -j8 ecdsa
  • Or compile the static binaries: make -j8 ecdsa-static


The following binaries have been used for the paper:

Protocol Binary
MASCOT mascot-ecdsa-party.x
Semi-honest OT semi-ecdsa-party.x
Malicious Shamir mal-shamir-ecdsa-party.x
Semi-honest Shamir shamir-ecdsa-party.x
Malicious replicated mal-rep-ecdsa-party.x
Semi-honest replicated rep-ecdsa-party.x

All binaries offer the same interface. With MASCOT for example, run the following:

./mascot-ecdsa-party.x -p 0 [-N <number of parties>] [-h <host of party 0>] [-D] [<number of prep tuples>]
./mascot-ecdsa-party.x -p 1 [-N <number of parties>] [-h <host of party 0>] [-D] [<number of prep tuples>]

-D activates delayed multiplication, deferring usage of the secret key until signing.

The number of parties defaults to 2 for OT-based protocols and to 3 for honest-majority protocols.

In addition, there is fake-spdz-ecsda-party.x, which runs only the online phase of SPDZ. You will need to run Fake-ECDSA.x beforehands and then distribute Player-Data/ECSDA to all parties.