create a manifest file with Kind ReplicationController & use kubectl to create the object in k8s API Server.
kubectl create -f rc-ex1.yml # create replication Controller
kubectl apply -f rc-ex1.yml # udpate the replication Controller
kubectl get rc # List all replication Controllers in current active namespace
kubectl get rc -n <namespace> # List the replication controllers in <namespace>
kubectl get rc --show-labels # list the labels for rc
kubectl get rc -l rc=myapprc -o wide # list replication controllers with matching labels
kubectl get pods | grep tomcatrc # list the pods associated with rc
kubectl get rc tomcatrc -o yaml # detailed object config
kubectl describe rc <rcname> # inspect the replication controller
kubectl label rc <rcname> key=value # label the replication controller
kubectl scale --replicas=x rc <rcname> # Scale replication controller
kubectl expose rc <rcname> --port=<external> --target-port=<internal> # expose rc as service & assign port on the cluster
kubectl expose rc <rcname> --port=<external> --type=NodePort # expose rc as service & assign port on the Node
kubectl rolling-update tomcatrc -f rc-ex2.yml # roll update rc
kubectl delete rc <rcname> # delete rc & pod under it
create a manifest file with Kind ReplicaSet & use kubectl to create the object in k8s API Server.
kubectl create -f rs-ex1.yml # create replica set
kubectl apply -f rs-ex1.yml # update replica set
kubectl get rs # List all replica sets in current active namespace
kubectl get rs -n <namespace> # List the replica sets in <namespace>
kubectl get rs --show-labels # list the labels for rs
kubectl get rs -l rs=myapprs -o wide # list replica sets with matching labels
kubectl get pods | grep tomcatrs # list the pods associated with rs
kubectl get rs tomcatrs -o yaml # detailed object config
kubectl describe rs <rsname> # inspect the replica set
kubectl label rs <rsname> key=value # label the replica set
kubectl scale --replicas=x rs <rsname> # Scale up/down replica set
kubectl expose rs <rsname> --port=<external> --target-port=<internal> # expose rs as service & assign port on the cluster
kubectl expose rs <rsname> --port=<external> --type=NodePort # expose rs as service & assign port on the Node
kubectl delete rs <rsname> # delete rs & pod under it
create a manifest file with Kind ReplicaSet & use kubectl to create the object in k8s API Server.
kubectl create -f deployment-ex1.yml --record # create deployment
kubectl apply -f deployment-ex1.yml --record # update the deployment
kubectl get deploy # List all deployments in current active namespace
kubectl get deploy -n <namespace> # List the deployments in <namespace>
kubectl get deploy --show-labels # list the labels for deploy
kubectl get deploy -l deploy=myapprs -o wide # list deployments with matching labels
kubectl get pods | grep mydeploy # list the pods associated with deployment
kubectl get deploy mydeploy -o yaml # detailed object config
kubectl describe deploy <deployment> # inspect the deployment
kubectl label deploy <deployment> key=value # label the deployment
kubectl scale --replicas=x deploy <deployment> # Scale up/down deployment
kubectl expose deploy <deploy> --port=<external> --target-port=<internal> # expose deployment as service & assign port on the cluster
kubectl delete deploy <deployment> # delete deployment & pod under it
kubectl rollout history deploy <deployname> # check the revisions of a Deployment
kubectl rollout history deploy <deployname> --revision=2 # see the details of each revision
kubectl rollout status deploy <deployname> # get status of rollout
kubectl rollout undo deploy <deployname> # rollback to the previous revision
kubectl rollout undo deploy <deployname> --revision=2 # rollback to a specific revision
kubectl rollout pause deploy <deployname> # pause a Deployment before triggering one or more updates
kubectl rollout resume deploy <deployname>
create a manifest file with Kind ReplicaSet & use kubectl to create the object in k8s API Server.
kubectl create -f ds-ex1.yml --record # create daemonset
kubectl apply -f ds-ex1.yml --record # update the daemonset
kubectl get ds # List all daemonsets in current active namespace
kubectl get ds -n <namespace> # List the daemonsets in <namespace>
kubectl get ds --show-labels # list the labels for daemonset
kubectl get ds -l ds=myds -o wide # list daemonset with matching labels
kubectl get pods | grep myds # list the pods associated with daemonset
kubectl get ds myds -o yaml # detailed object config
kubectl describe ds <myds> # inspect the daemonset
kubectl label ds <myds> key=value # label the daemonset
kubectl expose ds <myds> --port=<external> --target-port=<internal> # expose rc as service & assign port on the cluster
kubectl delete ds <myds> # delete daemonset & pod under it
create a manifest file with Kind ReplicaSet & use kubectl to create the object in k8s API Server.
kubectl create -f job-ex1.yml --record # create job
kubectl apply -f job-ex1.yml --record # update the job
kubectl get jobs # List all jobs in current active namespace
kubectl get jobs -n <namespace> # List the jobs in <namespace>
kubectl get jobs --show-labels # list the labels for job
kubectl get jobs -o wide # list job with wider output
kubectl get pods | grep myjob # list the pods associated with jobs
kubectl get jobs myjob -o yaml # detailed object config
kubectl describe job <myjob> # inspect the job
kubectl label job <myjob> key=value # label the job
kubectl delete job <myjob> # delete job & pod under it
create a manifest file with Kind ReplicaSet & use kubectl to create the object in k8s API Server.
kubectl create -f cronjob-ex1.yml --record # create cronjob
kubectl apply -f cronjob-ex1.yml --record # update the cronjob
kubectl get cj # List all cronjob in current active namespace
kubectl get cj -n <namespace> # List the cronjob in <namespace>
kubectl get cj --show-labels # list the labels for cronjob
kubectl get cj -o wide # list cronjob with wider output
kubectl get cj | grep mycj # list the pods associated with cronjob
kubectl get cj mycj -o yaml # detailed object config
kubectl describe cj <mycj> # inspect the cronjob
kubectl label cj <mycj> key=value # label the cronjob
kubectl delete cj <mycj> # delete cronjob & pod under it