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| 53 | + <h2><A NAME="aboutme">About me</A></h2> |
| 54 | + <span class="byline">Previous experience and education</span> </div> |
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| 56 | + <p>Project manager and software engineer with extensive experience in a technology consulting firm in projects related to banking applications development, management information systems, processes optimization and technical architecture assessment. |
| 57 | + <br>Authorized to work in the United States and living in New York City. |
| 58 | + <p><strong>Computer Science</strong> bachelor degree by <a href="http://www5.usp.br/en" rel="nofollow">Universidade de São Paulo</a> |
| 59 | + <br><strong>Data Science</strong> certification by <a href="http://idse.columbia.edu/" rel="nofollow">Columbia University</a> |
| 60 | + <br><strong>Finance and Investments</strong> certification by <a href="http://portal.fgv.br/en" rel="nofollow">Fundação Getúlio Vargas</a>.</p> |
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| 67 | + <h2><A NAME="samplework"></A>Sample Work</h2> |
| 68 | + <span class="byline">Some brief examples of work done in professional and academic experiences</span> </div> |
| 69 | + <div class="pbox1"> |
| 70 | + <div class="column1"> |
| 71 | + <div class="box"> <span class="icon icon-comments"></span> |
| 72 | + <h3>Vestibulum venenatis</h3> |
| 73 | + <p>Fermentum nibh augue praesent a lacus at urna congue rutrum.</p> |
| 74 | + </div> |
| 75 | + </div> |
| 76 | + <div class="column2"> |
| 77 | + <div class="box"> <span class="icon icon-cogs"></span> |
| 78 | + <h3>Praesent scelerisque</h3> |
| 79 | + <p>Vivamus fermentum nibh in augue praesent urna congue rutrum.</p> |
| 80 | + </div> |
| 81 | + </div> |
| 82 | + <div class="column3"> |
| 83 | + <div class="box"> <span class="icon icon-coffee"></span> |
| 84 | + <h3>Donec dictum metus</h3> |
| 85 | + <p>Vivamus fermentum nibh in augue praesent urna congue rutrum.</p> |
| 86 | + </div> |
| 87 | + </div> |
| 88 | + <div class="column4"> |
| 89 | + <div class="box"> <span class="icon icon-cloud"></span> |
| 90 | + <h3>Mauris vulputate dolor</h3> |
| 91 | + <p>Rutrum fermentum nibh in augue praesent urna congue rutrum.</p> |
| 92 | + </div> |
| 93 | + </div> |
| 94 | + </div> |
| 95 | + <div class="pbox2"> |
| 96 | + <div class="column1"> |
| 97 | + <div class="box"> <span class="icon icon-asterisk"></span> |
| 98 | + <h3>Rhoncus volutpat</h3> |
| 99 | + <p>Fermentum nibh augue praesent a lacus at urna congue rutrum.</p> |
| 100 | + </div> |
| 101 | + </div> |
| 102 | + <div class="column2"> |
| 103 | + <div class="box"> <span class="icon icon-headphones"></span> |
| 104 | + <h3>Sed odio sagittis</h3> |
| 105 | + <p>Vivamus fermentum nibh in augue praesent urna congue rutrum.</p> |
| 106 | + </div> |
| 107 | + </div> |
| 108 | + <div class="column3"> |
| 109 | + <div class="box"> <span class="icon icon-user"></span> |
| 110 | + <h3>Aenean elementum</h3> |
| 111 | + <p>Vivamus fermentum nibh in augue praesent urna congue rutrum.</p> |
| 112 | + </div> |
| 113 | + </div> |
| 114 | + <div class="column4"> |
| 115 | + <div class="box"> <span class="icon icon-signal"></span> |
| 116 | + <h3>Etiam posuere augue</h3> |
| 117 | + <p>Rutrum fermentum nibh in augue praesent urna congue rutrum.</p> |
| 118 | + </div> |
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| 173 | + <p>Copyright (c) 2014 Andrew Yuan. No rights reserved. | Photos by <a href="#">Me</a> | Design by <a href="http://www.freecsstemplates.org/" rel="nofollow">CSS Templates</a>.</p> |
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