SNAPSHOT - 0.8.0
2014-05-13 - r7
- Removed sending value as a message field in GetParam service call (mitchellwills)
- Update UrdfBox.js (Vegekou)
- Send 'latch' parameter to publish and advertise commands (adamantivm)
- Fixed ros service call parameter order (Pro)
- Added error message from rosbridge to failedCallback (Pro)
- Adding some functions to resolve ros message type (garaemon)
- Adding functions to Ros: decodeTypeDefs, getMessageDetails, getTopicType (garaemon)
- Handle service call failure using new rosbridge protocol (OTL)
- Adding prototype getNodes to ROSLIB.Ros allowing to get list of available nodes (barraq)
2013-05-07 - r6
- Fixes missing ID counter in ROS so multiple service calls can be made (rctoris)
- Unlimited number of event listeners added (baalexander)
2013-04-09 - r5
- Replaces build system with Grunt (baalexander)
- Code cleanup for linter (baalexander)
2013-04-02 - r4
- Bug in UrdfVisual origin to Pose conversion fixed (rctoris)
- Unit test infrastructure started (baalexander)
2013-03-28 - r3
- URDF XML parser added (rctoris)
2013-03-14 - r2
- First stable release (rctoris), (baalexander)
2013-03-14 - r1
- Initial development of ROSLIB (rctoris)