A lightweight dependency injection framework for Objective-C. With support for iOS and MacOS X.
- "Annotation" Based Dependency Injection
- Does not require that a large upfront container is maintained
- Lazy Instantiation over Eager Instantiation
- Alleviates the need to manually construct objects or rely on factories
- Support for integrating external dependencies
A class can be registered with objection using the macros objection_register or objection_register_singleton. The objection_requires macro can be used to declare what dependencies objection should provide to all instances it creates of that class. objection_requires can be used safely with inheritance.
@class Engine, Brakes;
@interface Car : NSObject
Engine *engine;
Brakes *brakes;
BOOL awake;
// Will be filled in by objection
@property(nonatomic, retain) Engine *engine;
// Will be filled in by objection
@property(nonatomic, retain) Brakes *brakes;
@property(nonatomic) BOOL awake;
@implementation Car
objection_requires(@"engine", @"brakes")
@synthesize engine, brakes, awake;
An object can be fetched from objection by creating an injector and then asking for an instance of a particular class or protocol. An injector manages its own object context. Which means that a singleton is per injector and is not necessarily a true singleton.
- (void)someMethod {
ObjectionInjector *injector = [Objection createInjector];
id car = [injector getObject:[Car class]];
A global injector can be registered with Objection which can be used throughout your application or library.
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
ObjectionInjector *injector = [Objection createInjector];
[Objection setGlobalInjector:injector];
- (void)viewDidLoad {
id myModel = [[Objection globalInjector] getObject:[MyModel class]];
Objection supports associating an object outside the context of Objection by configuring an ObjectionModule. You can also mark registered singleton classes as eager singletons. Eager singletons will be instantiated during the creation of the injector rather than being lazily instantiated.
@interface MyAppModule : ObjectionModule {
@implementation MyAppModule
- (void)configure {
[self bind:[UIApplication sharedApplication] toClass:[UIApplication class]];
[self bind:[UIApplication sharedApplication].delegate toProtocol:@protocol(UIApplicationDelegate)];
[self registerEagerSingleton:[Car class]];
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
ObjectionInjector *injector = [Objection createInjector:[[[MyAppModule alloc] init] autorelease]];
[Objection setGlobalInjector:injector];
There are times when a dependency -- usually external -- is implemented using only class methods. Objection can explicitly support binding to the meta class instance through a protocol. This avoids having to unnecessarily create a wrapper class that passes through to the class methods. The catch, of course, is that it requires a protocol definition so that Objection knows how to bind the meta class to objects in the injector context.
@protocol ExternalUtility
- (void)doSomething;
@interface ExternalUtility
+ (void)doSomething;
@implementation ExternalUtility
+ (void)doSomething {...}
// Module Configuration
- (void)configure {
[self bindMetaClass:[ExternalUtility class] toProtocol:@protocol(ExternalUtility)];
@interface SomeClass
// Use 'assign' because a meta class is not subject to the normal retain/release lifecycle.
// It will exist until the application is terminated (Class Initialization -> Application Termination)
// regardless of the number of objects in the runtime that reference it.
@property (nonatomic, assign) id<ExternalUtility> externalUtility
If an object is interested in knowing when it has been fully instantiated by objection it can implement the method awakeFromObjection.
@implementation Car
- (void)awakeFromObjection {
awake = YES;
- Diagram class initialization and its relationship with Objection
- Resolve circular dependencies
- Cache results of property definitions
- git clone git://github.com/atomicobject/objection.git
- Open Objection.xcodeproj
- Select Objection-iOS target
- Select Release Configuration
- Build
- Add -ObjC and -all_load to Other Link Flags in your project
#import <Objection-iOS/Objection.h>
- git clone git://github.com/atomicobject/objection.git
- Open Objection.xcodeproj
- Select Objection target
- Select Release Configuration.
- Build
#import <Objection/Objection.h>
- There is a glitch in XCode that will cause header files to not be copied properly. So, if you are building the iOS target you may have to run the build process a couple of times to get all of the proper header files copied.
- If you get an non-compile error when building the Objection target for MacOS X you may need to close the project and re-open it. XCode does not play nice with diverse platform configurations.
- MacOS X 10.6 +
- iOS 3.0 +
- Justin DeWind ([email protected])
- © 2009-2011 Atomic Object
- More Atomic Object open source projects