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CLI Library in C

Author: Amin Tahmasebi
Release Date: 2024
License: ISC License


The CLI Library is a versatile and easy-to-use tool for parsing command-line arguments and options in C programs. It supports various functionalities such as custom commands, options, strict and interactive modes, error handling, and more. This document explains the available functions and their usage.


To compile the Cli library along with your main program, use the following GCC command: if you need other lib just you can add name of libs .c

gcc -std=c11 -O3 -march=native -flto -funroll-loops -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -s -o main ./main.c ./cli/cli.c 
g++ -std=c++14 -O3 -march=native -flto -funroll-loops -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -s -o main ./main.cpp

Ensure you have the GCC compiler installed on your system and that all source files are in the correct directory structure as shown in the project.


To use the Cli library in your project, include the cli.h header file in your source code.

in these examples i rewrite cpp example in Bitset code

#include "cli/cli.h"

Function Explanations

CLI Parser Management

CliParser* cli_parser_create(const char *progName)

  • Description: Initializes a new CLI parser with the specified program name. The program name is used in usage messages and helps identify the application when displaying help or error messages.
  • Parameters:
    • progName: The name of the program (e.g., "MyApp").
  • Returns: A pointer to the CliParser structure, or NULL if memory allocation fails.
  • Usage Example: CliParser *parser = cli_parser_create("MyApp");

void cli_parser_deallocate(CliParser *parser)

  • Description: Frees all resources allocated by the CLI parser, including options, commands, and other dynamically allocated memory. This function should be called at the end of the program to prevent memory leaks.
  • Parameters:
    • parser: The CliParser instance to be deallocated.
  • Returns: Nothing.
  • Usage Example: cli_parser_deallocate(parser);

Command and Option Registration

bool cli_register_command(CliParser *parser, const CliCommand *command)

  • Description: Registers a new command with the CLI parser. Commands define specific actions or behaviors in the application that can be triggered by command-line arguments.
  • Parameters:
    • parser: The CliParser instance.
    • command: A pointer to the CliCommand structure that defines the command.
  • Returns: true if the command is registered successfully, false otherwise.
  • Usage Example:
    CliCommand myCommand = {.name = "greet", .handler = greetCommandHandler};
    cli_register_command(parser, &myCommand);

bool cli_unregister_command(CliParser *parser, const char *name)

  • Description: Removes a previously registered command from the parser.
  • Parameters:
    • parser: The CliParser instance.
    • name: The name of the command to be removed.
  • Returns: true if the command is unregistered successfully, false otherwise.
  • Usage Example: cli_unregister_command(parser, "greet");

bool cli_register_option(CliParser *parser, const CliOption *option)

  • Description: Registers a new option with the CLI parser. Options allow users to modify the behavior of commands or the application itself via command-line arguments.
  • Parameters:
    • parser: The CliParser instance.
    • option: A pointer to the CliOption structure that defines the option.
  • Returns: true if the option is registered successfully, false otherwise.
  • Usage Example:
    CliOption helpOption = {.longOpt = "--help", .shortOpt = 'h'};
    cli_register_option(parser, &helpOption);

bool cli_unregister_option(CliParser *parser, const char *longOpt, char shortOpt)

  • Description: Unregisters an option from the parser using its long or short identifier.
  • Parameters:
    • parser: The CliParser instance.
    • longOpt: The long option name (e.g., "--help").
    • shortOpt: The short option character (e.g., 'h').
  • Returns: true if the option is unregistered successfully, false otherwise.
  • Usage Example: cli_unregister_option(parser, "--help", 'h');

Command and Option Handling

const CliOption* cli_find_option(const CliParser *parser, const char *longOpt, char shortOpt)

  • Description: Searches for and returns a pointer to an option by its long name or short character.
  • Parameters:
    • parser: The CliParser instance.
    • longOpt: The long option name (e.g., "--help").
    • shortOpt: The short option character (e.g., 'h').
  • Returns: A pointer to the CliOption if found, or NULL if not found.
  • Usage Example: const CliOption *opt = cli_find_option(parser, "--help", 'h');

const CliCommand* cli_find_command(const CliParser *parser, const char *name)

  • Description: Searches for and returns a pointer to a command by its name.
  • Parameters:
    • parser: The CliParser instance.
    • name: The name of the command to find (e.g., "greet").
  • Returns: A pointer to the CliCommand if found, or NULL if not found.
  • Usage Example: const CliCommand *cmd = cli_find_command(parser, "greet");

void cli_set_default_command_handler(CliParser *parser, CliCommandHandler handler)

  • Description: Sets a default command handler to be used when no specific command is matched.
  • Parameters:
    • parser: The CliParser instance.
    • handler: A function pointer to the command handler.
  • Returns: Nothing.
  • Usage Example:
    void defaultHandler(const CliCommand *cmd, int argc, char *argv[], void *userData) {
        printf("Default command executed.\n");
    cli_set_default_command_handler(parser, defaultHandler);

void cli_add_option_group(CliParser *parser, const char *groupName, const CliOption *options, size_t numOptions)

  • Description: Groups related options together under a named group for better organization in help messages.
  • Parameters:
    • parser: The CliParser instance.
    • groupName: The name of the option group.
    • options: An array of CliOption structures representing the options in the group.
    • numOptions: The number of options in the group.
  • Returns: Nothing.
  • Usage Example:
    CliOption serverOptions[] = {
        {.longOpt = "--port", .shortOpt = 'p'},
        {.longOpt = "--verbose", .shortOpt = 'v'}
    cli_add_option_group(parser, "Server Options", serverOptions, 2);

void cli_remove_option_group(CliParser *parser, const char *groupName)

  • Description: Removes a previously defined option group from the parser.
  • Parameters:
    • parser: The CliParser instance.
    • groupName: The name of the option group to remove.
  • Returns: Nothing.
  • Usage Example: cli_remove_option_group(parser, "Server Options");

Error Handling

void cli_set_error_handler(CliParser *parser, CliErrorHandler handler)

  • Description: Sets a custom function to handle parsing errors.
  • Parameters:
    • parser: The CliParser instance.
    • handler: A function pointer to the error handler.
  • Returns: Nothing.
  • Usage Example:
    void customErrorHandler(const CliParser *parser, const char *error, void *userData) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", error);
    cli_set_error_handler(parser, customErrorHandler);

void cli_display_error(const CliParser *parser, const char *error)

  • Description: Displays an error message using the configured error handler. If no custom handler is set, the error is printed to stderr.
  • Parameters:
    • parser: The CliParser instance.
    • error: The error message to be displayed.
  • Returns: Nothing.
  • Usage Example: cli_display_error(parser, "Invalid command.");

CliError cli_get_last_error(const CliParser *parser)

  • Description: Retrieves the last error that occurred during parsing.
  • Parameters:
    • parser: The CliParser instance.
  • Returns: The last CliError encountered.
  • Usage Example: CliError lastError = cli_get_last_error(parser);

Parsing Arguments

CliStatusCode cli_parse_args(CliParser *parser, int argc, char *argv[])

  • Description: Parses command-line arguments according to the configured options and commands. This function is the core of the CLI parsing process.
  • Parameters:
    • parser: The CliParser instance.
    • argc: The argument count (number of command-line arguments).
    • argv: The argument vector (array of command-line arguments).
  • Returns: A status code (CliStatusCode) indicating success or the type of error encountered.
  • Usage Example: CliStatusCode status = cli_parse_args(parser, argc, argv);

bool cli_parse_args_with_delimiter(CliParser *parser, int argc, char *argv[], const char *delimiter)

  • Description: Parses command-line arguments using a specified delimiter, allowing for more complex argument structures


  • Parameters:
    • parser: The CliParser instance.
    • argc: The argument count.
    • argv: The argument vector.
    • delimiter: The delimiter used to separate command arguments.
  • Returns: true if parsing succeeds, false otherwise.
  • Usage Example: cli_parse_args_with_delimiter(parser, argc, argv, ",");

bool cli_process_option_group(CliParser *parser, const char *groupName, int argc, char *argv[])

  • Description: Parses command-line arguments for a specific option group.
  • Parameters:
    • parser: The CliParser instance.
    • groupName: The name of the option group to process.
    • argc: The argument count.
    • argv: The argument vector.
  • Returns: true if the options in the group are processed successfully, false otherwise.
  • Usage Example: cli_process_option_group(parser, "Server Options", argc, argv);

Miscellaneous Functions

void cli_print_help(const CliParser *parser)

  • Description: Prints a detailed help message, including descriptions of all options and commands. This function is typically used when the user requests help with a --help or -h option.
  • Parameters:
    • parser: The CliParser instance.
  • Returns: Nothing.
  • Usage Example: cli_print_help(parser);

void cli_print_version(const CliParser *parser, const char *version)

  • Description: Prints the version information of the application.
  • Parameters:
    • parser: The CliParser instance.
    • version: The version string to be displayed.
  • Returns: Nothing.
  • Usage Example: cli_print_version(parser, "1.0.0");

void cli_set_custom_usage(CliParser *parser, const char *usage)

  • Description: Allows setting a custom usage message, overriding the default usage message generated by the parser.
  • Parameters:
    • parser: The CliParser instance.
    • usage: The custom usage message.
  • Returns: Nothing.
  • Usage Example:
    cli_set_custom_usage(parser, "Usage: MyApp [options]");

void cli_enable_strict_mode(CliParser *parser, bool enable)

  • Description: Enables or disables strict mode, where unrecognized options trigger errors instead of being ignored. This mode is useful for ensuring that only valid options are passed to the program.
  • Parameters:
    • parser: The CliParser instance.
    • enable: A boolean value (true to enable, false to disable).
  • Returns: Nothing.
  • Usage Example: cli_enable_strict_mode(parser, true);

void cli_update_description(CliParser *parser, const char *name, const char *newDescription, bool isCommand)

  • Description: Updates the description of an option or command. This can be useful for dynamic help messages or changing descriptions based on context.
  • Parameters:
    • parser: The CliParser instance.
    • name: The name of the option or command.
    • newDescription: The new description string.
    • isCommand: A boolean value indicating whether the name refers to a command (true) or an option (false).
  • Returns: Nothing.
  • Usage Example:
    cli_update_description(parser, "greet", "Greets the user in a friendly manner", true);

Interactive Mode and Pipelining

void cli_enter_interactive_mode(CliParser *parser, const char *prompt)

  • Description: Enters an interactive mode where commands can be input repeatedly. This mode is useful for applications that require continuous user interaction.
  • Parameters:
    • parser: The CliParser instance.
    • prompt: The prompt string to display in the interactive mode.
  • Returns: Nothing.
  • Usage Example:
    cli_enter_interactive_mode(parser, ">");

void cli_enable_pipelining(CliParser *parser, bool enable)

  • Description: Enables or disables pipelining, allowing the output of one command to be used as input for another, enhancing scripting capabilities.
  • Parameters:
    • parser: The CliParser instance.
    • enable: A boolean value (true to enable, false to disable).
  • Returns: Nothing.
  • Usage Example: cli_enable_pipelining(parser, true);

Aliases and Dependencies

bool cli_register_command_alias(CliParser *parser, const char *commandName, const char *alias)

  • Description: Registers an alias for a command, allowing users to use alternative names for commands.
  • Parameters:
    • parser: The CliParser instance.
    • commandName: The name of the command to alias.
    • alias: The alias name.
  • Returns: true if the alias is registered successfully, false otherwise.
  • Usage Example: cli_register_command_alias(parser, "greet", "hello");

bool cli_add_option_alias(CliParser *parser, const char *optionName, const char *alias)

  • Description: Registers an alias for an option, allowing users to use alternative names for options.
  • Parameters:
    • parser: The CliParser instance.
    • optionName: The name of the option to alias.
    • alias: The alias name.
  • Returns: true if the alias is registered successfully, false otherwise.
  • Usage Example: cli_add_option_alias(parser, "--verbose", "-v");

bool cli_set_option_dependencies(CliParser *parser, const char *longOpt, char shortOpt, const char *dependsOnLongOpt, char dependsOnShortOpt)

  • Description: Defines dependencies between options, where the presence of one option requires the presence of another.
  • Parameters:
    • parser: The CliParser instance.
    • longOpt: The long option name that has a dependency.
    • shortOpt: The short option character that has a dependency.
    • dependsOnLongOpt: The long option name that is required.
    • dependsOnShortOpt: The short option character that is required.
  • Returns: true if the dependency is set successfully, false otherwise.
  • Usage Example:
    cli_set_option_dependencies(parser, "--verbose", 'v', "--log-file", 'l');

Validation and Confirmation

bool cli_validate_option_argument(const CliOption *option, const char *value)

  • Description: Validates the argument passed to an option, typically used to check if the value meets certain criteria (e.g., a valid port number).
  • Parameters:
    • option: The CliOption to validate.
    • value: The argument value to validate.
  • Returns: true if the argument is valid, false otherwise.
  • Usage Example: cli_validate_option_argument(option, "8080");

bool cli_prompt_confirmation(const char *promptMessage)

  • Description: Prompts the user for confirmation with a customizable message and waits for a Y/N response.
  • Parameters:
    • promptMessage: The message to display in the confirmation prompt.
  • Returns: true if the user confirms (Y), false otherwise (N).
  • Usage Example:
    bool confirmed = cli_prompt_confirmation("Are you sure you want to continue? (Y/N)");

Hooks for Execution

void cli_set_pre_execution_hook(CliParser *parser, CliPreExecutionHook hook)

  • Description: Registers a function to be called before any command execution, allowing for preparation or validation tasks.
  • Parameters:
    • parser: The CliParser instance.
    • hook: A function pointer to the pre-execution hook.
  • Returns: Nothing.
  • Usage Example:
    void preExecutionHook(const CliParser *parser) {
        printf("Preparing to execute a command...\n");
    cli_set_pre_execution_hook(parser, preExecutionHook);

void cli_set_post_execution_hook(CliParser *parser, CliPostExecutionHook hook)

  • Description: Registers a function to be called after any command execution, allowing for cleanup or logging tasks.
  • Parameters:
    • parser: The CliParser instance.
    • hook: A function pointer to the post-execution hook.
  • Returns: Nothing.
  • Usage Example:
    void postExecutionHook(const CliParser *parser) {
        printf("Command execution completed.\n");
    cli_set_post_execution_hook(parser, postExecutionHook);


Example 1 : Create a parser the deallocate parser and resource with cli_parser_create and cli_parser_deallocate

#include "cli/cli.h"
#include "fmt/fmt.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

    CliParser *parser = cli_parser_create("MyApp");
    if (parser == NULL) {
        fmt_fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create CLI parser\n");
        return -1;

    // Deallocate the CLI parser and all associated resources
    return 0;

Example 2 : setting custome usage message cli_set_custom_usage

#include "cli/cli.h"
#include "fmt/fmt.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

    CliParser *parser = cli_parser_create("MyApp");
    if (parser == NULL) {
        fmt_fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create CLI parser\n");
        return -1;

    // Set a custom usage message
    const char *customUsage = "Usage: MyApp [options]\n"
                              "  -h, --help    Display this help message\n"
                              "  -v, --version Display version information\n";
    cli_set_custom_usage(parser, customUsage);

    return 0;

Example 3: Enabling Strict Mode in CLI Parser with 1 cli_enable_strict_mode

#include "cli/cli.h"
#include "fmt/fmt.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

    CliParser *parser = cli_parser_create("MyStrictApp");
    if (parser == NULL) {
        fmt_fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create CLI parser\n");
        return -1;

    // Enable strict mode
    cli_enable_strict_mode(parser, true);

    return 0;

Example 4 : set Custom error handler with cli_set_error_handler

#include "cli/cli.h"
#include "fmt/fmt.h"

// Custom error handler function
void customErrorHandler(const CliParser *parser, const char *error, void *userData) {

    fmt_fprintf(stderr, "Custom Error: %s\n", error);
    // Additional error handling logic can be placed here

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    CliParser *parser = cli_parser_create("ExampleApp");
    if (parser == NULL) {
        fmt_fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create CLI parser\n");
        return -1;

    // Set the custom error handler
    cli_set_error_handler(parser, customErrorHandler);

    return 0;

Example 5: Registering and Using a Command with cli_register_command

#include "cli/cli.h"
#include "fmt/fmt.h"
#include <string.h>

void greetCommandHandler(const CliCommand *command, int argc, char *argv[], void *userData) {
    (void)command; // Unused parameter
    (void)userData; // Unused parameter

    if (argc > 1) {
        fmt_fprintf(stdout, "Hello, %s!\n", argv[1]);
    else {
        fmt_fprintf(stdout, "Hello, world!\n");

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

    CliParser *parser = cli_parser_create("GreetApp");
    if (parser == NULL) {
        fmt_fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create CLI parser\n");
        return -1;

    // Define the "greet" command
    CliCommand greetCommand = {
        .name = "greet",
        .handler = greetCommandHandler,
        .description = "Greets the user. Usage: greet [name]",
        .userData = NULL

    // Register the "greet" command with the parser
    if (!cli_register_command(parser, &greetCommand)) {
        fmt_fprintf(stderr, "Failed to register 'greet' command\n");
        return -1;

    // Simulate command-line input
    char *fakeArgs[] = {"greet", "John Doe"};
    int fakeArgc = 2;

    // Check if the first argument matches the "greet" command
    if (fakeArgc >= 1 && strcmp(fakeArgs[0], == 0) {
        greetCommand.handler(&greetCommand, fakeArgc - 1, &fakeArgs[1], greetCommand.userData);
    else {
        fmt_fprintf(stderr, "Unknown command: %s\n", fakeArgs[0]);

    return 0;

Example 6: Demonstrating cli_print_usage with Commands and Options cli_register_option

#include "cli/cli.h"
#include "fmt/fmt.h"
#include <string.h>

// Command handler for the "greet" command
void greetCommandHandler(const CliCommand *command, int argc, char *argv[], void *userData) {
    (void)command; // Unused parameter
    (void)userData; // Unused parameter
    fmt_fprintf(stdout, "Hello, %s!\n", argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "world");

// Option handler for the "--help" option
void helpOptionHandler(const CliOption *option, const char *value, void *userData) {
    CliParser *parser = (CliParser *)userData;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    CliParser *parser = cli_parser_create("DemoApp");
    if (parser == NULL) {
        fmt_fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create CLI parser\n");
        return -1;

    // Set a custom usage message
    cli_set_custom_usage(parser, "Usage: DemoApp [options] [commands]\n"
                                  "  -h, --help    Display this help message\n"
                                  "  greet [name]  Greet someone by name, or the world if no name is given");

    // Register the "--help" option
    CliOption helpOption = {
        .longOpt = "--help",
        .shortOpt = 'h',
        .optionType = CLI_NO_ARG,
        .handler = helpOptionHandler,
        .validator = NULL,
        .description = "Display this help message",
        .userData = (void *)parser

    if (!cli_register_option(parser, &helpOption)) {
        fmt_fprintf(stderr, "Failed to register '--help' option\n");
        return -1;

    // Register the "greet" command
    CliCommand greetCommand = {
        .name = "greet",
        .handler = greetCommandHandler,
        .description = "Greets the user. Usage: greet [name]",
        .userData = NULL

    if (!cli_register_command(parser, &greetCommand)) {
        fmt_fprintf(stderr, "Failed to register 'greet' command\n");
        return -1;

    // Check for "--help" or "-h" option
    if (argc == 2 && (strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1], "-h") == 0)) {
        helpOptionHandler(&helpOption, NULL, parser);
    else if (argc >= 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "greet") == 0) {
        // Execute the greet command if present
        greetCommandHandler(&greetCommand, argc - 1, &argv[1], greetCommand.userData);
    else {
        // Print usage information if the input does not match any command or option

    return 0;

Example 7 : display error with cli_display_errors

#include "cli/cli.h"
#include "fmt/fmt.h"
#include <string.h>

// Custom error handler function
void customErrorHandler(const CliParser *parser, const char *error, void *userData) {

    fmt_fprintf(stderr, "Custom Error: %s\n", error);

void greetCommandHandler(const CliCommand *command, int argc, char *argv[], void *userData) {

    if (argc > 1) {
        fmt_fprintf(stdout, "Hello, %s!\n", argv[1]);
    else {
        fmt_fprintf(stdout, "Hello, world!\n");

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    CliParser *parser = cli_parser_create("ErrorDemoApp");
    if (parser == NULL) {
        fmt_fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create CLI parser\n");
        return -1;

    // Set the custom error handler
    cli_set_error_handler(parser, customErrorHandler);

    CliCommand greetCommand = {
        .name = "greet",
        .handler = greetCommandHandler,
        .description = "Greets the user. Usage: greet [name]",
        .userData = NULL

    // Register the "greet" command
    if (!cli_register_command(parser, &greetCommand)) {
        fmt_fprintf(stderr, "Failed to register 'greet' command\n");
        return -1;

    // Simulate checking the command input
    if (argc >= 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "greet") == 0) {
        greetCommandHandler(&greetCommand, argc - 1, &argv[1], greetCommand.userData);
    else {
        char errorMessage[256];
        snprintf(errorMessage, sizeof(errorMessage), "Unrecognized command: '%s'", argc >= 2 ? argv[1] : "none");
        cli_display_error(parser, errorMessage);

    return 0;

Example 8 : Using cli_find_option and cli_print_version

#include "cli/cli.h"
#include "fmt/fmt.h"
#include <string.h>

void versionOptionHandler(const CliOption *option, const char *value, void *userData) {
    (void)option; // Unused parameter
    (void)value;  // Unused parameter
    (void)userData; // Unused parameter

    cli_print_version(userData, "1.0.0");

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    CliParser *parser = cli_parser_create("VersionApp");
    if (!parser) {
        fmt_fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create CLI parser\n");
        return -1;

    CliOption versionOption = {
        .longOpt = "--version",
        .shortOpt = 'v',
        .optionType = CLI_NO_ARG,
        .handler = versionOptionHandler,
        .validator = NULL,
        .description = "Prints the version of the application",
        .userData = NULL

    cli_register_option(parser, &versionOption);

    if (argc > 1) {
        const CliOption *foundOption = cli_find_option(parser, argv[1], '\0');
        if (foundOption && strcmp(foundOption->longOpt, "--version") == 0) {
            foundOption->handler(foundOption, NULL, parser);
        else {
            fmt_fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option: %s\n", argv[1]);
    else {
        fmt_fprintf(stdout, "No options provided. Use --version to print the version.\n");

    return 0;

Example 9 : Using cli_find_command

#include "cli/cli.h"
#include "fmt/fmt.h"
#include <string.h>

void helpCommandHandler(const CliCommand *command, int argc, char *argv[], void *userData) {
    (void)command; // Unused parameter
    (void)argc;    // Unused parameter
    (void)argv;    // Unused parameter
    (void)userData; // Unused parameter

    fmt_fprintf(stdout, "Available commands:\n");
    fmt_fprintf(stdout, "  help    - Displays this help message\n");

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    CliParser *parser = cli_parser_create("HelpApp");
    if (!parser) {
        fmt_fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create CLI parser\n");
        return -1;

    CliCommand helpCommand = {
        .name = "help",
        .handler = helpCommandHandler,
        .description = "Displays help information",
        .userData = NULL

    cli_register_command(parser, &helpCommand);

    if (argc > 1) {
        const CliCommand *foundCommand = cli_find_command(parser, argv[1]);
        if (foundCommand) {
            foundCommand->handler(foundCommand, argc - 1, argv + 1, parser);
        else {
            fmt_fprintf(stderr, "Unknown command: %s\n", argv[1]);
    else {
        fmt_fprintf(stdout, "No command provided. Use 'help' for more information.\n");

    return 0;

Example 10 : update cli description with cli_update_description

#include "cli/cli.h"
#include "fmt/fmt.h"
#include "string/string.h"

void greetCommandHandler(const CliCommand *command, int argc, char *argv[], void *userData) {
    (void)command; // Unused parameter
    (void)userData; // Unused parameter

    if (argc > 1) {
        fmt_fprintf(stdout, "Greetings, %s! How are you today?\n", argv[1]);
    else {
        fmt_fprintf(stdout, "Hello, world! How are you today?\n");

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    (void)argc;    // Unused parameter
    (void)argv;    // Unused parameter
    CliParser *parser = cli_parser_create("GreetApp");

    if (parser == NULL) {
        fmt_fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create CLI parser\n");
        return -1;

    CliCommand greetCommand = {
        .name = "greet",
        .handler = greetCommandHandler,
        .description = string_strdup("Greets the user. Usage: greet [name]"),
        .userData = NULL

    cli_register_command(parser, &greetCommand);

    // Update the "greet" command description
    cli_update_description(parser, "greet", "Greet someone by name with a friendly message. Usage: greet [name]", true);

    return 0;

Example 11 : how to send parameters

python .\ r subtract 10 20 python .\ r add 10 20 python .\ r --version python .\ r --help

#include "cli/cli.h"
#include "fmt/fmt.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

// Command Handlers
void addCommandHandler(const CliCommand *command, int argc, char *argv[], void *userData) {
    if (argc != 3) {
        fmt_printf("Usage: %s add <num1> <num2>\n", (char *)userData);
    int num1 = atoi(argv[1]);
    int num2 = atoi(argv[2]);
    fmt_printf("Addition is %d\n", num1 + num2);

void subtractCommandHandler(const CliCommand *command, int argc, char *argv[], void *userData) {
    if (argc != 3) {
        fmt_printf("Usage: %s subtract <num1> <num2>\n", (char *)userData);
    int num1 = atoi(argv[1]);
    int num2 = atoi(argv[2]);
    fmt_printf("Subtraction is %d\n", num1 - num2);

// Option Handlers
void helpOptionHandler(const CliOption *option, const char *value, void *userData) {
    CliParser *parser = (CliParser *)userData;

void versionOptionHandler(const CliOption *option, const char *value, void *userData) {
    fmt_printf("Version 1.0.0\n");

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    CliParser *parser = cli_parser_create("calc");

    // Set custom usage message
    cli_set_custom_usage(parser, "calc [command] [options]\n"
                                  "  add <num1> <num2>     Add two numbers\n"
                                  "  subtract <num1> <num2> Subtract two numbers\n"
                                  "  --help, -h             Show this help message\n"
                                  "  --version, -v          Show version information");

    // Register commands
    CliCommand addCommand = {.name = "add", .handler = addCommandHandler, .description = "Add two numbers"};
    CliCommand subtractCommand = {.name = "subtract", .handler = subtractCommandHandler, .description = "Subtract two numbers"};
    cli_register_command(parser, &addCommand);
    cli_register_command(parser, &subtractCommand);

    // Register options
    CliOption helpOption = {.longOpt = "--help", .shortOpt = 'h', .handler = helpOptionHandler, .description = "Show help message", .userData = (void *)parser};
    CliOption versionOption = {.longOpt = "--version", .shortOpt = 'v', .handler = versionOptionHandler, .description = "Show version information"};
    cli_register_option(parser, &helpOption);
    cli_register_option(parser, &versionOption);

    // Parse CLI arguments
    if (argc > 1) {
        if (strcmp(argv[1], "add") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1], "subtract") == 0) {
            cli_parse_args(parser, argc, argv);
        else if (strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1], "-h") == 0) {
            helpOptionHandler(&helpOption, NULL, parser);
        else if (strcmp(argv[1], "--version") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1], "-v") == 0) {
            versionOptionHandler(&versionOption, NULL, NULL);
        else {
            fmt_printf("Unknown command or option. Use '--help' for usage information.\n");
    else {
        fmt_printf("No command provided. Use '--help' for usage information.\n");

    return 0;

Example 12 : register gree with cli parser

python r --version python r greet amin

#include "cli/cli.h"
#include "fmt/fmt.h"

// Command Handlers
void greetCommandHandler(const CliCommand *command, int argc, char *argv[], void *userData) {
    fmt_printf("Hello, %s!\n", argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "World");

void versionCommandHandler(const CliCommand *command, int argc, char *argv[], void *userData) {
    fmt_printf("Version 1.0.0\n");

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    CliParser *parser = cli_parser_create("ExampleApp");
    if (!parser) {
        fmt_fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create CLI parser\n");
        return 1;

    CliCommand greetCommand = {
        .name = "greet",
        .handler = greetCommandHandler,
        .description = "Greets a user",
        .userData = NULL

    CliCommand versionCommand = {
        .name = "--version",
        .handler = versionCommandHandler,
        .description = "Shows version",
        .userData = NULL

    if (!cli_register_command(parser, &greetCommand)) {
        fmt_fprintf(stderr, "Failed to register 'greet' command\n");

    if (!cli_register_command(parser, &versionCommand)) {
        fmt_fprintf(stderr, "Failed to register '--version' command\n");

    cli_parse_args(parser, argc, argv);

    return 0;

Example 13 : interactive mode

python r calculate 10 20 python r --interactive

#include "cli/cli.h"
#include "fmt/fmt.h"
#include <stdlib.h>

// Command Handler
void calculateCommandHandler(const CliCommand *command, int argc, char *argv[], void *userData) {
    if (argc != 3) {
        fmt_printf("Usage: calculate <number1> <number2>\n");

    int num1 = atoi(argv[1]);
    int num2 = atoi(argv[2]);
    fmt_printf("Sum: %d\n", num1 + num2);

// Option Handler for --interactive mode
void interactiveOptionHandler(const CliOption *option, const char *value, void *userData) {
    CliParser *parser = (CliParser *)userData;

    fmt_printf("Entering interactive mode. Type 'exit' to quit.\n");
    cli_enter_interactive_mode(parser, "> ");

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    CliParser *parser = cli_parser_create("InteractiveApp");
    if (!parser) {
        fmt_fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create CLI parser\n");
        return 1;

    CliCommand calculateCommand = {
        .name = "calculate",
        .handler = calculateCommandHandler,
        .description = "Performs a simple addition",
        .userData = NULL

    CliOption interactiveOption = {
        .longOpt = "--interactive",
        .optionType = CLI_NO_ARG,
        .handler = interactiveOptionHandler,
        .description = "Enters interactive mode",
        .userData = (void *)parser

    if (!cli_register_command(parser, &calculateCommand)) {
        fmt_fprintf(stderr, "Failed to register 'calculate' command\n");

    if (!cli_register_option(parser, &interactiveOption)) {
        fmt_fprintf(stderr, "Failed to register '--interactive' option\n");

    cli_parse_args(parser, argc, argv);

    return 0;

Example 14 : Using Option Groups and Pipelining

This example demonstrates how to use option groups and enable pipelining for advanced command-line parsing scenarios

this will enable verbose mode in your program python r --versbose this will proccess command data python r process one two

#include "cli/cli.h"
#include "fmt/fmt.h"
#include <stdlib.h>

// Option handler for setting verbose mode
void verboseOptionHandler(const CliOption *option, const char *value, void *userData) {
    bool *verboseMode = (bool *)userData;
    *verboseMode = true;
    fmt_printf("Verbose mode enabled\n");

// Command handler for a 'process' command
void processCommandHandler(const CliCommand *command, int argc, char *argv[], void *userData) {
    fmt_printf("Processing with %d arguments\n", argc);
    for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
        fmt_printf("Arg %d: %s\n", i + 1, argv[i]);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    bool verboseMode = false;
    CliParser *parser = cli_parser_create("PipelineApp");

    CliOption verboseOption = {
        .longOpt = "--verbose",
        .shortOpt = 'v',
        .optionType = CLI_NO_ARG,
        .handler = verboseOptionHandler,
        .description = "Enable verbose output",
        .userData = &verboseMode

    CliCommand processCommand = {
        .name = "process",
        .handler = processCommandHandler,
        .description = "Process data",
        .userData = NULL

    cli_register_option(parser, &verboseOption);
    cli_register_command(parser, &processCommand);

    // Enable pipelining to allow command outputs to be used as inputs for other commands
    cli_enable_pipelining(parser, true);
    cli_parse_args(parser, argc, argv);

    return 0;

Example 15: Interactive Mode and Command Aliases

entering an interactive mode and using command aliases to provide alternative names for commands python r

#include "cli/cli.h"
#include "fmt/fmt.h"
#include <stdlib.h>

// Command handler for exiting the application
void exitCommandHandler(const CliCommand *command, int argc, char *argv[], void *userData) {
    fmt_printf("Exiting application.\n");

// Interactive mode prompt
void enterInteractiveMode(CliParser *parser) {
    fmt_printf("Interactive mode. Type 'exit' or 'quit' to exit.\n");
    cli_enter_interactive_mode(parser, ">");

int main() {
    CliParser *parser = cli_parser_create("InteractiveCLI");

    CliCommand exitCommand = {
        .name = "exit",
        .handler = exitCommandHandler,
        .description = "Exit the application",
        .userData = NULL

    cli_register_command(parser, &exitCommand);

    // Register an alias for the 'exit' command
    cli_register_command_alias(parser, "exit", "quit");

    // Enter interactive mode immediately for demonstration purposes

    return 0;

Example 16 : running server with different mode

start server with port python .\ r start --port 8080

enabling verbose mode python .\ r start -v python .\ r start --port 8080 --verbose

Specifiyin a log file python .\ r start --port 8080 --log-file "server.log"

Combining Multiple Options python .\ r start --verbose --port 8080 --log-file "server.log"

#include "cli/cli.h"
#include "fmt/fmt.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int globalPort = 0; // Global variable to store the port
bool verboseMode = false; // Global variable to store the verbose flag

// Custom validator for the port option
bool validatePort(const char *value, void *userData) {
    long port = strtol(value, NULL, 10);
    if (port <= 0 || port > 65535) {
        fmt_printf("Port must be between 1 and 65535\n");
        return false;
    return true;

// Handler for the --port option
void portOptionHandler(const CliOption *option, const char *value, void *userData) {
    long port = strtol(value, NULL, 10);
    globalPort = (int)port;
    fmt_printf("Port set to %d\n", globalPort);

// Handler for the --verbose option
void verboseOptionHandler(const CliOption *option, const char *value, void *userData) {
    verboseMode = true;
    fmt_printf("Verbose mode enabled\n");

// Handler for the --log-file option
void logFileOptionHandler(const CliOption *option, const char *value, void *userData) {
    if (value == NULL || strlen(value) == 0) {
        fmt_printf("Log file name must be provided\n");
    fmt_printf("Logging to file: %s\n", value);

// Handler for the server start command
void startServerCommandHandler(const CliCommand *command, int argc, char *argv[], void *userData) {
    fmt_printf("Server started on port %d...\n", globalPort);
    if (verboseMode) {
        fmt_printf("Verbose mode is ON\n");

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    CliParser *parser = cli_parser_create("ServerApp");

    // Register the start server command
    CliCommand startServerCommand = {
        .name = "start",
        .handler = startServerCommandHandler,
        .description = "Starts the server",

    CliOption serverOptions[] = {
        {.longOpt = "--port", .shortOpt = 'p', .optionType = CLI_REQUIRED_ARG, .handler = portOptionHandler, .validator = validatePort, .description = "Set server port"},
        {.longOpt = "--verbose", .shortOpt = 'v', .optionType = CLI_NO_ARG, .handler = verboseOptionHandler, .description = "Enable verbose output"},
        {.longOpt = "--log-file", .shortOpt = 'l', .optionType = CLI_REQUIRED_ARG, .handler = logFileOptionHandler, .description = "Specify log file"},

    cli_register_command(parser, &startServerCommand);
    cli_add_option_group(parser, "Server Options", serverOptions, sizeof(serverOptions) / sizeof(CliOption));
    cli_parse_args(parser, argc, argv);

    return 0;