Now that you’ve setup Concur, let’s write your first Concur program!
It's traditional in the Purescript world, when learning a new framework, to write a little
program that shows the text Hello, sailor!
to the screen, so we’ll do the same here!
Here's a simple widget (named hello) that displays the text "Hello Sailor!" -
hello = text "Hello Sailor!"
Concur provides a very simple DSL for constructing HTML DOM elements. text
is a function that takes a string
and constructs a widget with that text inside it.
I hope that there is nothing mysterious about this program. Concur has a mantra - "Make easy things easy, and complex things only as complex as the problem itself". For a simple UI like this, the program is suitably simple.
It's also traditional, when learning a UI framework, to demonstrate a program that can count up. Here, we built such a counter program in Concur.
counter count = do
button [onClick] [text (show count)]
counter (count + 1)
Here we define a function counter
that takes an integer count
as a parameter. This is the number we will start counting up from. We display a button
which can be clicked (onClick
) and with a label that shows the count that was passed in. When the button has been clicked, we restart the counter with an incremented count.
Don't worry if you don't understand the specifics, we'll cover everything later in the book. The important thing to note here is that the program is still very simple, and it has scaled only linearly with UI complexity.