Deckshot is a service to be run on your Steam Deck that will automatically upload any screenshot taken while it is running. So far, it supports the following remote services:
- S3
- Google Drive
- Dropbox
- Microsoft OneDrive
- imgur
- Discord
It will try and find the name of the game played while the screenshot was taken and place it in an appropriately named folder. If the name of the game cannot be determined (network issue, non-Steam game, GameScope), the screenshot will be uploaded to an UNKNOWN GAME
It maintains an internal (and simple) database storing the screenshots that failed to upload (for example, if you were offline), and will regularly retry those uploads.
# Install with
deck$ curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apognu/deckshot/master/contrib/install.sh | sh
# Uninstall with
deck$ curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apognu/deckshot/master/contrib/uninstall.sh | sh
Deckshot is confiured by editing /home/deck/.local/share/deckshot/deckshot.yml
. The only required configuration settings are the one defining the uploader to use. When you edit the configuration, restart deckshot by issuing the following command:
deck$ systemctl --user restart deckshot
The upload providers requiring an interactive authentication process (open a browser for instance) can be configured by running the auth
command once the configuration file is updated accordingly.
deck$ /home/deck/.local/share/deckshot/deckshot auth
Here are the required parameters per uploader:
As of this writing, only path-based S3 access is supported. Credentials with s3:PutObject
allowed are required.
kind: S3
endpoint: <URL to your S3 endpoint>
region: <region name>
access_key_id: <AWS access key ID>
secret_access_key: <AWS secret access key>
bucket: <bucket name>
The Google Drive integration requires a service account created from the Google Developers console, in the form of a JSON private key. The service account itself does not require permission, but will need to autorize it to access a folder in your Google drive.
To do so, note the service account email address (xxx@[email protected]
), and share the folder with that email address, with write permissions. Also note the folder ID from the URL, you will need to indicate it in the configuration.
Finally, you will need to enable the Google Drive API.
kind: GoogleDrive
private_key_file: <path to service account JSON key>
folder: <folder ID to use>
The Dropbox integration requires that you create a Dropbox OAuth2 application from Dropbox's Developers console, once it is created, note down the App key
shown in the "OAuth 2" section, and give it the files.content.write
scope from the Permissions tab.
Depending on the appliction's access type you chose when creating it, the value of the folder
parameters will either be appended to the application's folder, or will start at your Dropbox's root.
kind: Dropbox
client_id: <application's app key>
folder: <path to the remote folder, either scoped to the app's folder, or from the root>
Now, run the authentication process with deckshot auth
and follow the instructions before restarting deckshot.
The OneDrive integration requires the creation of an OAuth2 application on the Azure portal. From there, go to "New registration", and create a "Personal Microsoft accounts only" account. You can choose whichever Web
Redirect URI you want, like http://localhost:8080/redirect
(the loading of this page will fail anyway, we will retrieve the code from the URL). When the application is created, generate a client secret by going to "Certificates and secrets" and clicking "New client secret". Finally, give the application the Files.ReadWrite
permission by going into "API permissions" (this is a "Microsoft Graph" delegated permission).
Report the values for the "Application (client) ID" (in the "Overview" tab), the client secret and the redirect URI in the configuration file.
kind: OneDrive
client_id: <Microsoft client ID>
client_secret: <Microsoft client secret>
redirect_uri: <redirect URI you entered>
folder: <name of the folder to create and use>
To upload your screenshots to imgur, register an OAuth 2 application here, add a dummy redirect URI, such as
, and configure Deckshot with the provided information, run deckshot auth
to start the authentication flow, and fill in the code from the redirect page's address bar.
kind: Imgur
client_id: <imgur client ID>
client_secret: <imgur client secret>
redirect_uri: <provided redirect URI>
To post every screenshot to a Discord channel, start by creating a Discord Developer Portal, note the "Application ID", and create bot from it. From there, generate and copy the token, and visit the authorization at https://discordapp.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=APP_ID&permissions=2048&scope=bot (replace with your application ID), select the server you wish to post your screenshot in, and you can configure Deckshot.
kind: Discord
token: <bot token>
channel: <channel ID>
username: <your username if you wish your screenshots to be annotated with a username>