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A lightweight (350MB) Lisp interpreter in Malbolge Unshackled, often dubbed the hardest turing complete programming language.


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MalbolgeLisp v1.1

Made by Palaiologos, 2020 - 2021. Released to the public domain.

Session gif

What is MalbolgeLisp?

MalbolgeLisp is a LISP interpreter written in Malbolge. It's as of 2020 and 2021, the most advanced, usable Malbolge program ever created. It supports everything LISPs generally tend to support (like cond, let, lambda, etc...). The v1.1 release greatly improved the performance and reduced the code size, while adding a few features.

What is Malbolge? Why is it difficult?

Malbolge is a public domain esoteric programming language. It was specifically designed to be almost impossible to use, via a counter-intuitive 'crazy operation', trinary arithmetic, and self-modifying code. It builds on the difficulty of earlier, challenging esoteric languages like Brainfuck, but takes this aspect to the extreme. Despite this design, it is possible to write useful Malbolge programs (as this project proves).

What Malbolge instructions do depends on their position in the source code. After being ran, they are encrypted (so to make a loop, one has to decrypt it after each iteration - sounds hard already?). This is how so-called instruction cycles have been invented - it has been observed that some instructions on certain locations form looping cycles, which is the basis of Malbolge programming.

The most complex programs made in Malbolge, to date, include an adder, a 99 bottles of beer program, and a "Hello, world!" program (originally generated by a Lisp program utilizing a genetic algorithm).

MalbolgeLisp uses a special variant of Malbolge called Malbolge Unshackled. It's considerably harder to program for multiple reasons:

  1. The rotation width is chosen randomly by the interpreter
  2. Malbolge Unshackled lets the width of rotation be variable, which grows with the values in the D register, and since the initial rotation width is unknown, you have to probe it (because otherwise * returns unpredictable results)
  3. Malbolge Unshackled's print instruction requires unicode codepoints
  4. if the rotation width is unknown then you can't load values larger than 3^4-1, except values starting with a 1 trit
  5. to overcome this you need a loop that probes the rotation width which is probably beyond most people's comprehension
  6. the specification says that the value 0t21 should be used to print a newline, but this value is theoretically impossible to obtain without having read an end of line or end of file from I/O before.
  7. Malbolge Unshackled is actually usable because it's (as this project proves) Turing complete. The default Malbolge rotation width (10) constrains the addressable memory enough to make something cool with it.

A few example Malbolge programs:

A "Hello World" program:


A cat program that doesn't terminate on EOF:


What is inside the zip file?

The release bundle includes interpreter binaries for Windows (x64, one is optimized for memory consumption and one for speed), and a few interpreters for Linux (the names should be self explanatory, also x64). If you're not running a x64 machine, you'll have to compile fast20.c yourself. From my observations, the best results were yielded by GCC and the code has been tuned to perform well when compiled with it. malbolgelisp-v1.1.mb is the source code for the interpreter.

How to use MalbolgeLisp?

Pass the Lisp interpreter source code (malbolgelisp-v1.1.mb) as an argument to fast20.

Using the REPL

After you start the interpreter, you should be greeted with a banner (containing the version, dot commands, etc..). The following dot commands are currently available:

  • .F - display all the features recognized by the interpreter
  • .A - display the information about the interpreter's author
  • .R - reset the memory
  • .M - display the information about memory consumption
  • Any other command (and sending EOF - ^Z on Windows, ^D on UNIXes will terminate the interpreter).

After entering an expression (for example - (+ 2 2)), the interpreter should print something akin to this:

   % (+ 2 2)

The dots are used to signal that the code is being parsed (before the pipe character) or evaluated (after the pipe character). The amount of dots doesn't correspond to any consistent amount of time.

The language

The interpreter supports the following features that will be discussed in this README:

   DOT COMMANDS:  .F(eatures)  .A(uthor)  .R(eset)  .M(emory)
   % .F
   ' + - < > = ! & | * / define defun lambda
   cond print atom cons car cdr if let
   iota size nth

MalbolgeLisp is fairly slow. If you want to test programs in a faster, mostly compatible environment to MalbolgeLisp, try x86Lisp - a Lisp interpreter based on the this dialect, squashed into a 2.1KB Windows .exe file.

Arithmetic on numbers

A few examples of performing arithmetic in MalbolgeLisp are presented below. Note: Signed integers aren't supported.

   % (+ 2 -1)
   % (* 3 3)
   % (% 5 2)
   % (> 5 6)
   % (< 5 6)
   % (= 6 6)
   % (! (= 6 7))
   % (/ 25 5)
   % (- 4 3)
   % (& (= 2 2) (= 3 3))

There is no >= or <=, it has to be implemented by negating respectively < and >. A single & and | are respectively logical AND and OR.

define, defun and lambda.

In MalbolgeLISP, you can introduce constants using the define function. For example:

   % (define x 5)
   % (+ x 1)

MalbolgeLISP also supports lexically scoped (a function sees its lexical ancestor's environment, not its callers) lambdas. For instance:

   % ((lambda (n) (* n n)) 3)
   % ((lambda (m) ((lambda (n) (+ m n)) 2)) 2)

How to define functions then? Well, a logical conclusion can be drawn from the examples above:

   % (define succ (lambda (x) (+ x 1)))
   (lambda (x) (+ x 1))
   % (succ 2)

Because define lambda is a bit annoying to type each time and doesn't look good, we can use a nicer syntax for that - defun:

   % (defun succ (x) (+ x 1))
   (lambda (x) (+ x 1))
   % (succ 2)

Operations on lists and atoms

The equals function (=) also works on atoms and lists. Although, you can't just introduce a list in your code, since an attempt of evaluating it would be made by the interpreter. For this reason, you have to use quoting, like so:

   % (= test test)
   % (= '(1 2 3) '(1 2 3))

The iota function generates natural numbers from 0 to N-1 (inclusive). For instance:

   % (iota 5)
   (0 1 2 3 4)

size yields the size of a list passed as an argument. Using size and iota, we can make a really inefficient identity function for numbers:

   % (defun id (x) (size (iota x)))
   (lambda (x) (size (iota x)))
   % (id 6)
   % .M
   233B USED
   % # That's a lot of memory wasted!

nth yields the N-th element of a list. It uses the same indexing as iota, as demonstrated below:

   % (nth 3 (iota 5))

Let's try using atoms now. We can print an atom or a list using print, and we can check if something is an atom using the atom function. Note that print is an identity function with a side effect of printing an expression's value:

   % (atom null)
   % (atom '(1 2 3))
   % (print hello)

   % (print '(1 2 3))
   (1 2 3)

   (1 2 3)

Let's look at how car and cdr work. car takes the head (first element) of a list, and cdr takes the tail (everything except the first element) of a list:

   % (define list '(1 2 3))
   (1 2 3)
   % (car list)
   % (cdr list)
   (2 3)

Finally, cons can be used to prepend something to a list. Like so:

   % (cons 3 '(1 2))
   (3 1 2)

if, cond and let

The if function requires exactly 3 parameters - the condition, expression to evaluate if the condition is true, and the expression to evaluate if the condition is false. A small example:

   % (defun gt10 (x) (if (> x 10) (print yes) (print no)))
   (lambda (x) (if (> x 10) (print yes) (print no)))
   % (gt10 5)

   % (gt10 16)


If you need a lot of ifs in one place, you can consider using cond. It takes a list of lists (condition result), optionally including a (result) list. Using cond, we can make a three-way-comparison function (that returns 2 1 0 for > = <):

   % (defun <=> (x y) (cond ((> x y) 2) ((< x y) 0) (1)))
   (lambda (x y) (cond ((> x y) 2) ((< x y) 0) (1)))
   % (<=> 5 6)

The final builtin function is let. It allows us to bind names to expressions (so that they're not re-evaluated at a later time). For example:

   % (let (x 5 y 6) (+ x y))

Example programs

Quicksort (@La Condizione; yes, they know that this is not a real quicksort)

(defun filter (f l) (cond ((= l null) null) ((f (car l)) (cons (car l) (filter f (cdr l)))) (1 (filter f (cdr l)))))
(defun append (a b) (if (= null a) b (cons (car a) (append (cdr a) b) )))
(defun append3 (a b c) (append a (append b c)))
(defun list>= (m list) (filter (lambda (n) (! (< n m))) list))
(defun list< (m list) (filter (lambda (n) (< n m)) list))
(defun qsort (l) (if (= null l) null (append3 (qsort (list< (car l) (cdr l))) (cons (car l) null) (qsort (list>= (car l) (cdr l))))))
(qsort '(6 8 1 0 6 8 2))

"Dumb" sort (@umnikos)

(defun insert (i l) (if (= null l) (cons i l) (if (> i (car l)) (cons (car l) (insert i (cdr l))) (cons i l))))
(defun insertsort (l) (if (= null l) null (insert (car l) (insertsort (cdr l)))))
(insertsort '(6 8 1 0 6 8 2))

And a bunch of programs I wrote myself - a counter, power function, factorial function and the maximum of a list.

(defun counter (x) (cond ((< x 10) (counter (print (+ 1 x)))) (print ok)))
(counter 1)

(defun power (x y) (if (= y 0) 1 (* x (power x (- y 1)))))
(power 3 5)

(defun fac (n) (if (= n 0) 1 (* n (fac (- n 1)))))
(fac 6)

(defun max (l) (if (= null l) 0 (let (m (max (cdr l))) (if (> (car l) m) (car l) m))))
(max '(2 5 1 9 10))

Do you want your code featured? Please open a pull request.


A lightweight (350MB) Lisp interpreter in Malbolge Unshackled, often dubbed the hardest turing complete programming language.







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