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akio0911 / CodePiece
Forked from es-kumagai/CodePieceCodePiece is a communication tool which is able to upload a code piece to Gists and share the link by Twitter.
usatie / aws-sdk-ios
Forked from aws-amplify/aws-sdk-iosOfficial mirror of version 2 of the AWS Mobile SDK for iOS. For more information, see our web site:
Example for "Blending Cultures" of try! Swift's Presentation
Swift playground using Logo-like commands
motokiee / AKUserDefaults
Forked from akio0911/AKUserDefaultsNSUserDefaults library with definition of structure
This library is based on MDCSwipeToChoose and it's reversible.
akio0911 / rails-xa
Forked from yuiseki/rails-xa08/12/31-09/1/1エクストリームアドホック忘年会
kasatani / iphone-scripts
Forked from jeremywohl/iphone-scriptsiPhone- and App Store-related items