First off, I want to give a shoutout to @rtt who initially posted the Tinder API Documentation that I found most of these endpoints on. I am writing this to provide a more up-to-date resource for working with the Tinder API.
Note: This was updated in June 2018 so it might be outdated.
Host | |
Protocol | SSL |
Header | Example |
X-Auth-Token | See "How to get facebook_token" below |
Content-type | application/json |
User-agent | Tinder/7.5.3 (iPhone; iOS 10.3.2; Scale/2.00) |
Note: All endpoints are concatenated to the host url
Note: All curls must be sent with the headers as well (the only exception is that the /auth call must not have the X-Auth-Token header)
Endpoint | Purpose | Data? | Method |
/auth | For authenticating | {'facebook_token': INSERT_HERE, 'facebook_id': INSERT_HERE} | POST |
/auth/login/accountkit | For SMS authentication (two-factor) | {'token': INSERT_HERE, 'id': INSERT_HERE, 'client_version':'9.0.1'} | POST |
/user/recs | Get match recommendations | {} | GET |
/user/matches/_id | Send Message to that id | {"message": TEXT GOES HERE} | POST |
/user/matches/match_id | Unmatch person | {} | DELETE |
/user/_id | Get a user's profile data | {} | GET |
/user/ping | Change your location | {"lat": lat, "lon": lon} | POST |
/updates | Get all updates since the given date -- inserting "" will give you all updates since creating a Tinder account (i.e. matches, messages sent, etc.) | {"last_activity_date": ""} Input a timestamp: '2017-03-25T20:58:00.404Z' for updates since that time. | POST |
/profile | Get your own profile data | {} | GET |
/profile | Change your search preferences | {"age_filter_min": age_filter_min, "gender_filter": gender_filter, "gender": gender, "age_filter_max": age_filter_max, "distance_filter": distance_filter} | POST |
/profile | (Tinder Plus Only) hide/show age | {"hide_age":boolean} | POST |
/profile | (Tinder Plus Only) hide/show distance | {"hide_distance":boolean} | POST |
/profile | (Tinder Plus Only) hide/show ads | {"hide_ads":boolean} | POST |
/profile | (Tinder Plus Only) Set Tinder Blend options to "Recent Activity": Shows more recently active users | {"blend":"recency"} | POST |
/profile | (Tinder Plus Only) Set Tinder Blend options to "Optimal": Scientifically proven to get you more matches | {"blend":"optimal"} | POST |
/profile | (Tinder Plus Only) Set discovery settings to only people who already liked you | {"discoverable_party":"liked"} | POST |
/passport/user/travel | (Tinder Plus Only) Travel to coordinate | {"lat":lat,"lon":lon} | POST |
/instagram/authorize | Auth Instagram | {} | GET |
/v2/profile/spotify/ | Get Spotify settings | {} | GET |
/v2/profile/spotify/theme | Set Spotify song | {"id":song_id} | PUT |
/profile/username | Change your webprofile username | {"username": username} | PUT |
/profile/username | Reset your webprofile username | {} | DELETE |
/meta | Get your own meta data (swipes left, people seen, etc..) | {} | GET |
/v2/meta | Get your own meta data from V2 API (extra data like "top_picks" info) | {} | GET |
/report/_id | Report someone --> There are only a few accepted causes... (see for options) | {"cause": cause, "text": explanation} | POST |
/like/_id | Like someone a.k.a swipe right | {} | GET |
/pass/_id | Pass on someone a.k.a swipe left | {} | GET |
/like/_id/super | ~Super Like~ someone a.k.a swipe up | {} | POST |
/matches/{match id} | Get a match from its id (thanks @jtabet ) | {} | GET |
/message/{message id} | Get a message from its id (thanks @jtabet ) | {} | GET |
/passport/user/reset | Reset your location to your real location | {} | POST |
/passport/user/travel | Change your swiping location | {"lat": latitutde, "lon": longitude} | POST |
/user/{user_id}/common_connections | Get common connection of a user | {} | GET |
/profile/job | Set job | {"company":{"id":"17767109610","name":"University of Miami","displayed":true},"title":{"id":"106123522751852","name":"Research Assistant","displayed":true}} | PUT |
/profile/job | Delete job | {} | DELETE |
/profile/school | Set school(s) | {"schools":[{"id":school_id}]} | PUT |
/profile/school | Reset school | {} | DELETE |
/message/{message_id}/like | Like a message | {} | POST |
/v2/fast-match/preview | Get the non blurred thumbnail image shown in the messages-window (the one showing the likes you received) | {} | GET |
/v2/fast-match/count | Get the number of likes you received | {} | GET |
/giphy/trending?limit={limit} | Get the trending gifs (tinder uses giphy) accessible in chat | {} | GET |
/giphy/search?limit={limit}&query={query} | Get gifs (tinder uses giphy) based on a search accessible in chat | {} | GET |
Status Code | Explanation |
200 | Everything went okay, and the server returned a result (if any). |
301 | he server is redirecting you to a different endpoint. This can happen when a company switches domain names, or an endpoint's name has changed. |
400 | The server thinks you made a bad request. This can happen when you don't send the information the API requires to process your request, among other things. |
401 | The server thinks you're not authenticated. This happens when you don't send the right credentials to access an API |
404 | The server didn't find the resource you tried to access. |
503 | Back-end server is at capacity. |
Simply input your facebook username/email and password in your config file. Then, the module will programmatically retrieve your facebook_access_token and fb_user_id. These are then used to generate your tinder_auth_token in which grants you access to your data! Happy Swiping!
SMS Authentication (implemented by @Tagge)
With your token ready, add it to (value for tinder_token). You're now ready to roll !
Note: With the help of philliperemy , I have included a programatic way to acquire your facebook_token. Now, in your just input your facebook username and password.
Note: With the help of gloriamacia , we added now a jupyter notebook to make the usage even simpler.
123456: {
'messages': [
'age': 20,
'match_id': '123456789123456789',
'name': 'Joakim',
'photos': [
'message_count': 0,
'last_activity_date': '15 days, 16 hrs 46 min 57 sec',
'ping_time': '2017-03-11T04:58:56.433Z',
'gender': 1,
'bio': 'New York Knicks Center',
'avg_successRate': 0
56789: {
'messages': [
'age': 19,
'match_id': '123456789123456789abcdefghi',
'name': 'Carmelo',
'photos': [
'message_count': 0,
'last_activity_date': '0 days, 22 hrs 23 min 45 sec',
'ping_time': '2017-03-25T23:22:08.954Z',
'gender': 1,
'bio': 'I do not like to win sometimes', 'avg_successRate': 0.7837966008217391
The following is no longer available due to Tinder setting their ping_time to a constant date in 2014 and/or the removal of Tinder Social.
friends_pingtimes() will return the following for each facebook friend of yours who has a Tinder friend_pingtime_by_name("Joakim Noah") will return the pingtime for only that particular friend. The following is a sample result for friends_pingtimes():
"Joakim Noah -----> 15 days, 16 hrs 46 min 57 sec" "Carmelo Anthony ------> 0 days, 22 hrs 23 min 45 sec" ...
Given a name, it returns some profile information and their id. Once you have the ID, then you can call api.get_person(id) to get more in-depth information on your friends.
'Martin Shkreli': {
'photo': [
'processedFiles': [
'url': '',
'height': 84,
'width': 84
'url': '',
'height': 172,
'width': 172
'url': '',
'height': 320,
'width': 320
'url': '',
'height': 640,
'width': 640
'in_squad': True,
'name': 'Martin Shkreli',
'user_id': '582bf320452u3yy1217f8'