UE4SS-RE / safetyhook
Forked from cursey/safetyhookC++23 procedure hooking library.
Injectable LUA scripting system, SDK generator, live property editor and other dumping utilities for UE4/5 games
Deep Learning Visualization Toolkit(『飞桨』深度学习可视化工具 )
PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning: Machine Learning Framework from Industrial Practice (『飞桨』核心框架,深度学习&机器学习高性能单机、分布式训练和跨平台部署)
A concise but complete full-attention transformer with a set of promising experimental features from various papers
A latent text-to-image diffusion model
Implementation of Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model in Pytorch
A re-implementation of BeautyGAN: Instance-level Facial Makeup Transfer with Deep Generative Adversarial Network (ACM MM'18)
A large-scale face dataset for face parsing, recognition, generation and editing.
Using modified BiSeNet for face parsing in PyTorch
[CVPR2024] Content-Style Decoupling for Unsupervised Makeup Transfer without Generating Pseudo Ground Truth
[TNNLS2023] SSAT++: A Semantic-Aware and Versatile Makeup Transfer Network With Local Color Consistency Constraint
[AAAI 2022] This is the official pytorch code for SSAT: A Symmetric Semantic-Aware Transformer Network for Makeup Transfer and Removal
Image-to-Image Translation with Conditional Adversarial Networks (Pix2pix) implementation in keras
FFHQR -- the first large-scale retouching dataset for computer vision research.
The official repository of our CVPR2023 paper "FFHQ-UV: Normalized Facial UV-Texture Dataset for 3D Face Reconstruction".
PyTorch3D is FAIR's library of reusable components for deep learning with 3D data
Graph Neural Network Library for PyTorch
Shape and dimension inference (Keras-like) for PyTorch layers and neural networks
ONNX Script editor & visualiser running completely in the browser thanks to Pyodide and Netron
View DL models in a hierarchical fashion.
Pyodide is a Python distribution for the browser and Node.js based on WebAssembly
A collection of pre-trained, state-of-the-art models in the ONNX format
A tool to modify ONNX models in a visualization fashion, based on Netron and Flask.