This is a Dockerfile to set up Sabnzbd from the jcfp PPA. It creates volume mount points at /config (for saving configuration files) and /data (location for your downloads). Change port if necessary to accomadate SSL. You can use this with Docker data volumes if you desire for storing configuration and downloads.
# docker build -t sabnzbd .
If using data-only volumes is desired:
# docker run -v /config --name sabnzbd_config busybox /bin/true # docker run -v /data --name media_data busybox /bin/true
For regular filesystem storage:
# docker run -d -v <path/to/config-file>:/config -v <path/to/downloads>:/data -p 8080:8080 sabnzbd
For data-only volume storage:
# docker run -d --volumes-from sabnzbd_config --volumes-from media_data -p 8080:8080 --name sabnzbd sabnzbd
If you enable SSL, make sure to change your port numbers when running the container (9090 typically). Systemd service file is available.
To manage downloaded media (access the media_data volume):
# docker run -i -t --volumes-from media_data ubuntu /bin/bash