An interactive database of the word's global cities. I built this as my final project at Spiced Academy, during the last week of the Javascript-focused web development course. Check out a live demo here and the rest of my web-development portfolio here.
- Language: Javascript
- Frontend: Handlebars, Three.js/Web GL
- Backend: Express
- APIs: World Weather Online, Google News
- Data Management: JSON
Using the Google Chrome Experiment to plot data points, I combined my love of open data with a 3D rendering of the planet to create an interactive visualization (my first ever!).
PLEASE NOTE: This project is optimized for desktop user online. I apologize for the inconvenience that may cause.
When the page loads, users are told to write a city of choice, the press enter.
Once given a city, the page loads information onto the page, including population data, sunrise/sunset/etc times, and recent news/social media updates.
- Redis/csurf
- Optimize for mobile use
- Tween to city location on search
- Integrate more data from APIs (news, weather, social media, etc)
- Email: [email protected]
- Linkedin: Anne Lee Steele