csscomb / vim-csscomb
Forked from batsuev/csscomb-vimCSScomb plugin for Vim. Tool for sorting CSS properties in specific order.
qtwebkit / qtwebkit
Forked from WebKit/WebKit-httpCode in this repository is obsolete. Use this fork:
Unix Text Processing Command Reference
atiw003 / html5-slides-markdown
Forked from n1k0/landslideGenerate a slideshow using the slides that power the html5-slides presentation
hoedown / hoedown
Forked from vmg/sundownStandards compliant, fast, secure markdown processing library in C
jeresig / jquery.hotkeys
Forked from zuriby/jquery.hotkeysjQuery Hotkeys lets you watch for keyboard events anywhere in your code supporting almost any key combination.
ArthurHoaro / Public-GitLab
Forked from gitlabhq/gitlabhqProject management and code hosting application. Follow us on twitter @pgitlab
aleray / django-cms
Forked from django-cms/django-cmsAn Advanced Django CMS.
aleray / glamkit-eventtools
Forked from ixc/glamkit-eventtoolsAn event management app for Django. Forked from thauber's django-schedule
aleray / marked
Forked from markedjs/markedA markdown parser and compiler. Built for speed.
aleray / sundown
Forked from vmg/sundownStandards compliant, fast, secure markdown processing library in C
aleray / misaka
Forked from FSX/misakaThe Python binding for Sundown, a markdown parsing library.
aleray / jquery-celery
Forked from brokenseal/jquery-celeryA simple jquery plugin which performs annoying celery task check for you
aleray / watchr
Forked from mynyml/watchrModern continuous testing (flexible alternative to Autotest)
gregoryloucas / Fontstrap
Forked from FortAwesome/Font-AwesomeThe iconic font designed for use with Twitter Bootstrap
aleray /
Forked from riobard/srt.pyA Python script to manipulate .srt subtitles
aleray / django-vff
Forked from enriquepablo/django-vffDjango VersionedFileField
aleray / mdx_sections
Forked from jessedhillon/mdx_sectionsPython-Markdown extension to provide a small amount of structure to Markdown documents.
Django App that let's you insert footnotes and annotate parts of a text.
A Django app for managing publications.
aleray /
Forked from oscarotero/jQuery.mediajQuery based library to manage video and audio html5 elements
aleray / Python-Markdown
Forked from Python-Markdown/markdownA Python implementation of John Gruber’s Markdown.
aleray / pynliner
Forked from rennat/pynlinerPython CSS-to-inline-styles conversion tool for HTML using BeautifulSoup and cssutils
(Official repo has been moved to String manipulation extensions for Underscore.js javascript library.
aleray / MoAD-Transcript
Forked from atduskgreg/MoAD-TranscriptA shot-by-shot transcription of the Mother of All Demos
aleray / jquery-markedit
Forked from tstone/jquery-markedita jQuery branch/re-write of WMD Editor
jQuery edit in place plugin. Extendable via plugin architecture. Plugins for plugin. Really.
contextMenu plugin & polyfill
GerHobbelt / soldout
Forked from vmg/sundownA SciDown derivative fork of the Markdown library that sucks less than your Markdown library.