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Annotating with the Variant Effect Predictor

The vep command runs the Variant Effect Predictor on the current dataset and adds the result as a variant annotation at va.vep by default. vep runs VEP with the LOFTEE plugin.


$ hail importvcf /path/to/file.vcf vep --config /path/to/ write -o /path/to/file.vds

Here is an example configuration file:

hail.vep.perl = /usr/bin/perl
hail.vep.path = /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
hail.vep.location = /path/to/vep/ensembl-tools-release-81/scripts/variant_effect_predictor/
hail.vep.cache_dir = /path/to/vep
hail.vep.lof.human_ancestor = /path/to/loftee_data/human_ancestor.fa.gz
hail.vep.lof.conservation_file = /path/to/loftee_data//phylocsf.sql


  • --block-size <size> -- Variants per VEP invocation. Default: 1000.
  • --config <.properties file> -- Configuration file.
  • --force -- Force VEP to annotate from scratch.
  • -r | --root <root> -- Variant annotation path to store the VEP output. Default: va.vep.

How VEP is Run

If the root already exists and its schema matches the VEP schema, then vep only runs VEP for variants for which the value of the root is missing.

The vep command needs a configuration file to tell it how it run VEP. The format is a .properties file. Roughly, each line defines a property as a key-value pair of the form key = value. vep supports the following properties:

  • hail.vep.perl: Location of Perl. Optional, default: perl.
  • hail.vep.perl5lib: Value for the PERL5LIB environment variable when invoking VEP. Optional, by default PERL5LIB is not set.
  • hail.vep.path: Value of the PATH environment variable when invoking VEP. Optional, by default PATH is not set.
  • hail.vep.location: Location of the VEP Perl script. Required.
  • hail.vep.cache_dir: Location of the VEP cache dir, passed to VEP with the --dir option. Required.
  • hail.vep.lof.human_ancestor: Location of the human ancestor file for the Loftee plugin. Required.
  • hail.vep.lof.conservation_file: Location of the conservation file for the Loftee plugin. Required.

VEP is invoked as follows:

  --format vcf
  --cache --offline
  --dir <hail.vep.cache_dir>
  --fasta <hail.vep.cache_dir>/homo_sapiens/81_GRCh37/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.dna.primary_assembly.fa
  --assembly GRCh37
  --plugin LoF,human_ancestor_fa:$<hail.vep.lof.human_ancestor>,filter_position:0.05,min_intron_size:15,conservation_file:<hail.vep.lof.conservation_file>

VEP output

The VEP output has the following schema, which can of course be viewed with the showannotations command after annotating with VEP.

vep: va.vep.<identifier>
  assembly_name: String
  allele_string: String
  colocated_variants: va.vep.colocated_variants[<index>].<identifier>
    aa_allele: String
    aa_maf: Double
    afr_allele: String
    afr_maf: Double
    allele_string: String
    amr_allele: String
    amr_maf: Double
    clin_sig: Array[String]
    end: Int
    eas_allele: String
    eas_maf: Double
    ea_allele: String
    ea_maf: Double
    eur_allele: String
    eur_maf: Double
    exac_adj_allele: String
    exac_adj_maf: Double
    exac_allele: String
    exac_afr_allele: String
    exac_afr_maf: Double
    exac_amr_allele: String
    exac_amr_maf: Double
    exac_eas_allele: String
    exac_eas_maf: Double
    exac_fin_allele: String
    exac_fin_maf: Double
    exac_maf: Double
    exac_nfe_allele: String
    exac_nfe_maf: Double
    exac_oth_allele: String
    exac_oth_maf: Double
    exac_sas_allele: String
    exac_sas_maf: Double
    id: String
    minor_allele: String
    minor_allele_freq: Double
    phenotype_or_disease: Int
    pubmed: Array[Int]
    sas_allele: String
    sas_maf: Double
    somatic: Int
    start: Int
    strand: Int
  end: Int
  id: String
  input: String
  intergenic_consequences: va.vep.intergenic_consequences[<index>].<identifier>
    allele_num: Int
    consequence_terms: Array[String]
    impact: String
    minimised: Int
    variant_allele: String
  most_severe_consequence: String
  motif_feature_consequences: va.vep.motif_feature_consequences[<index>].<identifier>
    allele_num: Int
    consequence_terms: Array[String]
    high_inf_pos: String
    impact: String
    minimised: Int
    motif_feature_id: String
    motif_name: String
    motif_pos: Int
    motif_score_change: Double
    strand: Int
    variant_allele: String
  regulatory_feature_consequences: va.vep.regulatory_feature_consequences[<index>].<identifier>
    allele_num: Int
    biotype: String
    consequence_terms: Array[String]
    impact: String
    minimised: Int
    regulatory_feature_id: String
    variant_allele: String
  seq_region_name: String
  start: Int
  strand: Int
  transcript_consequences: va.vep.transcript_consequences[<index>].<identifier>
    allele_num: Int
    amino_acids: String
    biotype: String
    canonical: Int
    ccds: String
    cdna_start: Int
    cdna_end: Int
    cds_end: Int
    cds_start: Int
    codons: String
    consequence_terms: Array[String]
    distance: Int
      db: String
      name: String
    exon: String
    gene_id: String
    gene_pheno: Int
    gene_symbol: String
    gene_symbol_source: String
    hgnc_id: Int
    hgvsc: String
    hgvsp: String
    hgvs_offset: Int
    impact: String
    intron: String
    lof: String
    lof_flags: String
    lof_filter: String
    lof_info: String
    minimised: Int
    polyphen_prediction: String
    polyphen_score: Double
    protein_end: Int
    protein_start: Int
    protein_id: String
    sift_prediction: String
    sift_score: Double
    strand: Int
    swissprot: String
    transcript_id: String
    trembl: String
    uniparc: String
    variant_allele: String
  variant_class: String