Build Docker, Swarm and native images for the Raspberry PI 2/3 and ARMv7 Architecture. Now featuring PI Zero instructions (ARMv6).
This repository was commissioned to support a tutorial published in Issue 163 of Linux User and Developer Magazine. If you didn't get a copy of the magazine, you can pick up a digital edition or follow a simplified online guide.
I make the case for Docker Swarm on the Raspberry PI. We walk through fully configuring Arch Linux ARM, we install Docker, then rebuild it from the latest source. Then we go on to build specific images for ARM: Swarm, Consul, Redis, Node.js etc. Then we starting the Swarm, check the nodes and run a distributed web application with a load-balancer.
This article was retweeted by @Docker on Mar 31 2016, so head over to the blog and have a read.
Follow this quick-start guide to get Docker and/or Swarm up and running on your PI Zeros right away.
If you want to try Docker or Docker Swarm on ARM or are already using it, then you will find these resources useful:
No official Docker images work on the ARM architecture because they contain binaries built for x64 (regular PCs). I've curated separate images for PI 2/3 and PI Zero:
Go 1.5
Building Swarm itself
Building Docker itself
Node.js 4.x
Here you find a list of scripts used in the magazine tutorial to quickly set up a full Docker Swarm on Raspberry PI using consul
as the discovery service.
See for instance:
When this tutorial was first published there was no working package available in the Arch Linux ARM (ALARM) repository for Docker, so you can find Docker 1.7.1 here which at the time was used to build the latest from Github.
Please leave comments and questions over on my blog at:
If you are running into issues with the scripts or images, then raise an issue on the Github repository.
Copyright Alex Ellis 2016 (@alexellisuk)