Starred repositories
The library for web and native user interfaces.
📝 Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings
Clean Code concepts adapted for JavaScript
⚡ Dynamically generated stats for your github readmes
Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node.
uBlock Origin - An efficient blocker for Chromium and Firefox. Fast and lean.
⭐️ Companies that don't have a broken hiring process
🍃 JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps 🇺🇦
Materialize, a CSS Framework based on Material Design
A list of semi to fully remote-friendly companies (jobs) in tech.
Serverless Examples – A collection of boilerplates and examples of serverless architectures built with the Serverless Framework on AWS Lambda, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Functions, and more.
AWS SDK for JavaScript in the browser and Node.js (In Maintenance Mode, End-of-Life on 09/08/2025). The AWS SDK for JavaScript v3 in the browser and Node.js is available here:…
💎 Convenient and dependency free wrapper for working with arrays and objects
An adapter-based ORM for Node.js with support for mysql, mongo, postgres, mssql (SQL Server), and more
OpenSC2K - An Open Source remake of Sim City 2000 by Maxis
Ajax Autocomplete for jQuery allows you to easily create autocomplete/autosuggest boxes for text input fields
Freeciv-web is an Open Source strategy game implemented in HTML5 and WebGL, which can be played online against other players, or in single player mode against AI opponents.
Big-O Complexities / Poster of common algorithms used in Computer Science
A Babel preset let you import application configs from .env file (zero runtime dependency)
jQuery Bar Rating Plugin - minimal, light-weight jQuery ratings.
Self-contained cross-browser pure JavaScript class for Drag & Drop and AJAX (multi) file upload.
Lightweight framework for modular, event-based JavaScript programming
Gulp plugin for building HTML files into each other
A more useful and better looking console log for JavaScript