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Documentation Guideline

Rendered Documentation:


  1. Developer Warning
  2. Setup
  3. File Layout
  4. Documentation Workflow
  5. Localization

Developers: Please Read

We use ReadTheDocs for our documentation, which is generated from .rst files found in the docs/ directory. The implications of this are:

  • Most .rst files are autogenerated, at least in the en folder. Manually editing these .rst files is almost always a mistake.

    • For native functions, you need to change the Haskell code that produces the function docs in Pact.Native and elsewhere.
    • For everything else, chances are you should be editing a .md file such as
  • Our ReadTheDocs configuration produces two versions of our docs: stable and master.

    • stable is the default for, and only updates upon the creation of a new Github release.
    • latest updates upon every merge to our Github master branch.


We use Python, Sphinx, and Pandoc to generate the official docs. To ensure that everyone is using the same software versions (thereby rendering the docs in the same way), our scripts use Nix.

With Nix installed, make sure your Channels are up to date with nix-channel --update.

Now you're ready to generate Pact's documentation.

File Layout

Pact documentation is available in a number of languages. The English versions are considered the "originals", with all others as translations. Each language's files are located in docs/ under a subdirectory marked by their usual locale name (e.g. en for English).

All documentation files are stored as Markdown (.md) files. You may also notice .rst files, but these are generated by tooling and are not to be edited manually. This process is detailed in the next section.

English has a number of .md files, some hand-written and some auto-generated. Translations have only one .md file each, titled

Documentation Workflow

Make sure to download the packages specified in the Setup section.

To start, make your documentation changes in the appropriate Markdown file(s).

If you have instead made changes to Pact function signatures or documentation directly in Haskell code (say in src/Pact/Native.hs), then you can regenerate docs/en/ and docs/en/ by running Pact's test suites.

$ stack test --fast

Note that manual changes to either of the above files will be overwritten whenever tests are run.

Now, convert these Markdown files into the .rst format that Read the Docs expects. From the docs/ directory:

$ ./

This script should finish without error, and should create .rst files for each available language.

To review your changes, open (for English) docs/en/_build/html/index.html in your browser. You can keep this page open, and then refresh your browser as you make further changes and rerun ./

Once finished, commit the .md files that changed and their corresponding .rst files.


As mentiond in File Layout, Pact documentation has several translations. Unlike the English, no content is auto-generated from Haskell files. Instead, updates to the English must be manually ported to each translation.

Editing an existing Translation

If you notice something to improve, edit the single file corresponding to your language. Then, generate the .rst version as described in Documentation Workflow, and submit your changes.

Adding a new Translation

Thank you! Your effort will help many developers around the world.

For this example, let's assume that Croatian is the language being added. The locale name for Croatian is hr.

  1. From docs/, create a new subdirectory for your language:
$ mkdir hr
  1. Sphinx needs a file to generate HTML from .rst files, one for each language. Copy the from one of the other languages (their contents are the same):
$ cp en/ hr/
  1. Each translation shares assets found in img/. Create a symlink so that Sphinx can find these:
$ cd hr/
$ ln -s ../img img
  1. Add your translation as a file named within your language's subdirectory.

  2. Copy docs/jp/index.rst to your subdirectory. Within it, change the title line to the translation of "Pact Language Reference".

  3. Add the following to docs/, matching the other translations:

# --- Croatian Docs --- #
cd ..
cd hr/
rm -rf _build

pandoc -s -t rst -o pact-reference.rst
perl -p0777i -e 's/^(\+|\-)\n~/\\\1\n~~/gm' pact-reference.rst
sphinx-build -b html -d _build/doctrees . _build/html
  1. Generate your .rst file with docs/, as usual.

  2. Submit your changes to Github. Once approved, our administrators will alter our internal Read the Docs configuration to officially recognize your translation. You will soon see it on Read the Docs, and will be able to switch languages freely. For instance, our new Croatian version would be available at .