React Redux Isomorphic Example
based on universal-webpack
git clone
cd react-redux-isomorphic
npm install
npm start - for development
- Auth
- apiCall
- fetchData (with redux)
- setToken
- getToken
- setRefreshToken
- getRefreshToken
- isAuthenticated
- logout
in pages/*
import React from 'react'
import {Check} from 'react-security-fetcher'
@Check({roles: ['ROLE_USER']})
export default class App extends React.Component{
return (<div>security component</div>)
- redux
- fetchData
import React from 'react'
import {preload} from 'react-isomorphic-render/redux'
import {connect} from 'react-redux'
@preload(({dispatch, parameters, fetchData})=>dispatch(fetchData(`/events/${}`, 'eventsShow')))
return {
eventsShow: state.fetchData.eventsShow.response
export default class Event extends React.Component{
const {eventsShow} = this.props
return (
Event component ;)<br/>
<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: eventsShow.description}}></div>
import React from 'react'
import {connect} from 'react-redux'
import {redux as fetchData} from 'react-security-fetcher'
import {bindActionCreators} from 'redux'
eventsShow: state.fetchData.eventsShow
}), dispatch=>({
actions: bindActionCreators({fetchData}, dispatch)
export default class App extends React.Component{
componentDidMount = () => {
const {actions: {fetchData}, params} = this.props
fetchData(`/events/${}`, 'eventsShow', 'GET', {
key: 'value'
base_url: ''
const {eventsShow = {response: {items: []}}} = this.props
redux(URL, key, method = 'GET', params)
- URL - without prefix
- key - key in redux storage for save
- method - 'get/post/put ...'
- params - { params: - will be added to request base_url: - custom base url type: - formData or json, default json }
fetchData(URL, method = 'GET', params)
- URL - without prefix
- method - 'get/post/put ...'
- params - { params: - will be added to request base_url: - custom base url type: - formData or json, default json }
all parameters will be added to request as query string if method == ('GET'||'DELETE') other in request body
for use type='form-data' must be attach new FormData() object to params fetchData(URL, method = 'POST', {type: 'form-data', params: new FormData()})