schnack.js is a simple node app for Disqus-like drop-in commenting on static websites.
- Say hello to Schnack.js
- Follow @schnackjs on Twitter
This is not a new idea, so there are a few projects that are doing almost the same thing:
- CoralProject Talk - Node + MongoDB + Redis
- Discourse - Ruby on Rails + PostgreSQL + Redis
- Commento - Go + Node
- Isso - Python + SQLite3
Node 6+ and SQLite.
The app runs as a node server that provides a JS file to be dropped into any website.
<div class="comments-go-here"></div>
<script src=""
npm install
Then copy config.tpl.json
to config.json
and edit your config.
Create web-push keys and finally run the server with:
npm run server
- schnack_host: the hostname where the schnack server runs (e.g.
- page_url: the page where schnack is going to be embeded.
placeholder should be replaceble with you tags (e.g. - database: the filename of the embeded SQLite database where data is going to be stored (e.g. comments.db)
- port: the port where the schnack server is going to run (e.g. 3000)
- admins: an array of userIDs which can login as admin (e.g. [1, 245])
- oauth:
- secret: the secret passed to express-session
- twitter:
- consumer_key: the consumer key for Twitter OAuth apps
- consumer_secret: the consumer secret for Twitter OAuth apps
- github:
- client_id: the client id for Github OAuth apps
- client_secret: the client secret for Github OAuth apps
- google:
- client_id: the client id for Google OAuth2 apps
- client_secret: the client secret for Google OAuth2 apps
- facebook:
- client_id: the client id for Facebook OAuth apps
- client_secret: the client secret for Facebook OAuth apps
- notify:
- date_format: how to display dates (e.g. MMMM DD, YYYY - h:mm a)
You can build a Docker image for the schnack server running:
docker build -t gka/schnack .
The image will contain everything in the project folder and can be started with:
docker run -p 3000:3000 -d gka/schnack
In order to be able to edit your config file and your SQL database files, you may want to share the project folder with the docker container:
docker run -p 3000:3000 -v $(pwd):/usr/src/app -d gka/schnack
So far, users who want to post a comment need to authenticate using Twitter, Github, Facebook and Google. More auth providers can be added easily, thanks to Passport.js.
Comments are stored in a SQLite database. For a normal sized blog this should last a couple of decades.
New comments need to be approved by the site admin, who can see and approve or reject them right in the comments section. To save some work, admins can "trust" certain authors so their comments are approved automatically.
Schnack.js provides two mechanisms to notify you about new comments. The old-school way is an RSS feed that you can use in services like IFTTT. Alternatively you can hook into a push notification service like Pushover to get notifications right to your phone.
New: web-push notifications
If you want you can be notified about new comments using web-push notifications. To configure this you need to do 3 things:
- Generate the vapid-keys using
node_modules/.bin/web-push generate-vapid-keys
and copy them into your config.json. - Copy the sw.js into your website's root path.
- Next time you log into your site you will be asked to allow notifications.
You can provide a list of user IDs of people you trust for each authentication provider. For instance, you could use the Twitter API to get a list of all the people you follow and drop that into the config.
"trust": {
"twitter": [
"github": [
1639, 2931, 2946, 3602, 4933
You can import comments from your disqus XML export as following:
npm run import -- disqus.xml
This will work for Wordpress XML exports as well.
Schnack is yet another happy collaboration between Webkid and Gregor Aisch.
Schnack will never track who is using it, so we don't know! If you are a Schnack user, let us know and we'll add your website here. So far Schnack is being used on: