All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
1.0.1 (2021-08-08)
Note: Version bump only for package
0.2.76 (2021-08-08)
Note: Version bump only for package
0.2.75 (2021-08-04)
Note: Version bump only for package
0.2.74 (2021-08-04)
Note: Version bump only for package
0.2.73 (2021-07-27)
Note: Version bump only for package
0.2.72 (2021-07-01)
Note: Version bump only for package
0.2.71 (2021-06-08)
Note: Version bump only for package
0.2.42 (2020-11-24)
- imgui: update XY-pad value rounding/snapping (d45c073)
0.2.36 (2020-08-19)
- imgui: don't update curr value to click position (12d6705)
0.2.0 (2020-02-25)
- imgui: remove layout, update imports, readme (c89a6d8)
- imgui: touch event handling (FF/Safari) (af697d9)
- imgui: add buttonV, radialMenu, update dropdown (03d5932)
- imgui: add color type, keys, update default theme (e4facae)
- imgui: add component resource caching & GC, update all comps & theme (7c3d399)
- imgui: add cursor & LayoutBox support, add docs (b8d0892)
- imgui: add cursor blink config, update textFieldRaw() (1d80e14)
- imgui: add dial widget, extract key handlers, update layout (d3d2b27)
- imgui: add dialGroup, ringGroup, fix/update label hashing (0333fa6)
- imgui: add disabled component stack, update theme & behaviors (dce481a)
- imgui: add dropdown widget, update hover behaviors (b9d725a)
- imgui: add GridLayout, update all components (4f94981)
- imgui: add GridLayout.spansForSize/colsForWidth/rowsForHeight (713dce1)
- imgui: add home/end key support in textField (ae75c08)
- imgui: add iconButton() (07599a4)
- imgui: add IMGUI.clear(), update deps (d10732d)
- imgui: add IMGUI.draw flag, update components, add/update hash fns (c9bc287)
- imgui: add key consts, update key handling (shift/alt mods) (7809734)
- imgui: add key handling for radialMenu() (99c2987)
- imgui: add layouted sliderV/Group, add/update various comp (7e0bfeb)
- imgui: add slider value format, minor other updates (399fa21)
- imgui: add textfield scrolling, cursor movement, word jump (c94d4d9)
- imgui: add textField widget, update theme & key handling (53b068f)
- imgui: add textTransformH/V, update buttons to allow any body (05cc31f)
- imgui: add theme stack, extract default event handlers (b4aee22)
- imgui: add toggle & radio buttons (6a491aa)
- imgui: add touch support, minor widget refactoring (dcd19bc)
- imgui: add vertical slider, rename slider/sliderGroup (40c050e)
- imgui: add XY-pad widget (6446e6e)
- imgui: add xyPad label offset args, minor refactoring (d224fe0)
- imgui: add/update layout types, handling, add more ctrl key consts (4086590)
- imgui: import as new package (f94b430)
- imgui: non-destructive value updates, local state (b499c8c)
- imgui: rename dial => ring, add new dial, extract dialVal() (cd9a339)
- imgui: update button, dropdown, radio, sliderHGroup (588a321)
- imgui: update dropdown key handlers (Esc) (c2ef036)
- imgui: update dropdown, add tooltip support & tri icon (d662811)
- imgui: update IGridLayout & (0c1d483)
- imgui: update IMGUIOpts, input handling, optional event handling (d06a235)
- imgui: update tab handling, allow all items unfocused (1a63694)
- imgui: update textField, set cursor via mouse, update alt move/del (4f9760d)
- imgui: update theme init/config, add setTheme() (76ad91c)
- imgui: update toggleRaw() to update value earlier (21ba39d)
- imgui: update comp hashing to use murmur hash vs toString, use ES6 Maps (7db92b9)