All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
4.0.4 (2021-10-25)
Note: Version bump only for package
4.0.3 (2021-10-15)
Note: Version bump only for package
4.0.2 (2021-10-15)
Note: Version bump only for package
4.0.1 (2021-10-13)
Note: Version bump only for package
4.0.0 (2021-10-12)
- major update of ALL pkgs (export maps, ESM only) (0d1d6ea)
- discontinue CommonJS & UMD versions
- only ESM modules will be published from now on
- CJS obsolete due to ESM support in recent versions of node:
- i.e. launch NodeJS via:
node --experimental-specifier-resolution=node --experimental-repl-await
- in the node REPL use
await import(...)
instead ofrequire()
- UMD obsolete due to widespread browser support for ESM
- normalize/restructure/reorg all package.json files
- cleanup all build scripts, remove obsolete
- switch from mocha to for all tests
3.2.0 (2021-08-04)
- color: add/update swatch functions (391ae4a)
3.1.0 (2021-02-24)
- color: add .toString() impl (cc65bf0)
3.0.1 (2021-02-22)
- color: update compileThemePart() (b8ceed6)
3.0.0 (2021-02-20)
- color: div-by-zero in XYY<>XYZ conversions (8a71c6e)
- color: don't clamp Oklab/XYZ<>RGB conversions (fab3639)
- color: fix resolveAsCSS() (7b1eeff)
- color: fix typo in parseHex, update parse helpers (a7315c0)
- color: kelvinRgb() results are sRGB (31cd4b5)
- color: normalize LCH hue channel (c0b9e9d)
- color: rescale labXyz(), use D50 for LCH->RGB (9e59545)
- color: unconstrained analog() for some modes (439265b)
- color: update Lab/LCH rules in parseCss() (cb7f15e)
- color: update resolveAsCss() (0e7e955)
- color: major update/rename all types/conversions (4143c8f)
- color: add AColor.set() (7e7a05c)
- color: add AColor.toJSON() (ee96412)
- color: add ARGB32/ABGR32 int types/conversions (1993beb)
- color: add barebones support for LAB & LCH (6e3b8c9)
- color: add generic analog() (for all color types) (117a5bc)
- color: add gradient and mix fns (f31966c)
- color: add Int32.alpha accessor, minor update int->srgb (b65f9ee)
- color: add lab D50/65 conv, update HSx<>CSS conv (014e41d)
- color: add multiColorGradient(), update cos version (dc88f37)
- color: add Oklab color space support (57a5bad)
- color: add rgbSrgbApprox() and vice versa (c1efada)
- color: add setPrecision(), LCH cleanup (778f84a)
- color: add sortMapped() for mapped memory cols (9a548ec)
- color: add SystemColors and defaults (16bad21)
- color: add TypedColor/ColorFactory.range impls (7ecfa0c)
- color: add wavelengthXyza() (d29ce23)
- color: add XYY mode (7a743f2)
- color: add XYZ/Oklab conversions, update/fix XYZ matrices (e07a038)
- color: add/update conversions (e979044)
- color: add/update distance functions (6d15065)
- color: add/update Lab/XYZ/LCH conversions (9feb251)
- color: add/update luminance & YCC conversion (89ca131)
- color: convert mix() to defmulti, color mode aware (faed98b)
- color: generic isBlack/Gray/White, LCH color ranges (598afdf)
- color: improve int ARGB/ABGR support (6460e4d)
- color: major restructure, new types/conversions (6389f7c)
- color: new parseCSS(), add SRGBA, update conversions (f748d65)
- color: replace proximity functions (7a0be62)
- color: split Lab & XYZ types into D50/D65 (29e1e74)
- color: update ColorFactory, TypedColor (8c5f8fb)
- color: update ColorMix & gradient types/functions (829fcf6)
- color: update CSS_NAMES (7ea0cf0)
- color: update types, CSS formatting (f0502a2)
- color: update/restructure types, add buffer mapping (cebaafa)
- color: use RGB fallbacks for Lab/LCH CSS (53ddaeb)
- color: make defColor() fixed for 4 channels (4ea77ef)
color: remove obsolete resolveAsCss(), use css() instead
update MaybeColor alias
update TypedColor
merge resolveAsCss() cases into css()
fix color factory for int args
color: replace color classes w/ dynamically generated impls
add ColorSpec, ColorType, ColorFactory types
add defColor() color type factory based on declarative ColorSpec
all color types now based on defColor()
remove obsolete AColor class
color factories now also act as converters
add color() factory to wrap color in class for given mode
remove CSS and Int types (use plain strings/ints now, and use css() or resolveAsCss() to convert to CSS strings)
parseCss() now returns ParsedColor (circumvents circular deps)
replace convert() w/ new simplified version
add/update generic isGray(), isBlack(), isWhite(), luminance()
color: update/rename all color types/conversions
rename YCbCrA => YCC
suffix from all color types (e.g.HSVA
etc.) -
accordingly, rename all conversions (e.g.
) -
accessor in all color types (previously a mixture of.a
, now always latter) -
standardize casing in all function names (now always camelCase) e.g.
resolveAsCss() untyped default now sRGB
rename distSatHsv() => distHsvSat()
rename distLumaHsv() => distHsvLuma()
rename distLumaRGB() => distRgbLuma()
add distChannel() HOF
add basic convert() support for Lab<>LCH<>CSS
add/update docstrings
- update colorFromRange(), colorsFromRange() and colorsFromTheme() to return wrapped HSV colors
color: multiCosineGradient() args now given as options object
- add MultiGradientOpts
- add support for per-interval easing
- add support for result color coercion
color: parseCSS() now returns wrapped color types, not raw RGBA arrays as previously
- parseCSS() now returns SRGBA, HSLA, LAB or LCH color types and supports more CSS syntax opts
- all asXXX() functions also return wrapped colors, only asCSS() still returns strings
- add SRGBA type/color mode reserve existing RGBA for linear colors (non-gamma corrected)
- rename existing conversions, now using SRGBA (i.e. srgbaCss(), srgbaInt()), add new versions for (now linear) RGBA
- parseCSS() RGB colors now result in SRGB instances, use asRGBA() or srgbRgba() to convert to linear RGB
2.1.0 (2021-01-02)
- color: fix cosineGradient() return type (651590c)
- color: add color swatch hiccup helpers (5ecc528)
- color: add declarative range/theme iterators (971d5dc)
- color: add HSV/RGB distance fns (3bd3969)
- color: add HSV/RGB gray axis checks (927202b)
- color: add sortColors(), comparators (6761feb)
- color: update ColorRangeOpts, add docstrings (350fbe5)
2.0.0 (2020-12-22)
- color: replace ColorMode w/ type alias
1.3.0 (2020-11-24)
- color: add GradientPresets type, update GRADIENTS (985b719)
1.2.0 (2020-05-29)
- color: add gradient presets (2f93581)
1.1.2 (2019-11-09)
- color: update/rename imports (vectors pkg) (7cb8877)
1.1.0 (2019-08-21)
- color: add resolveAsCSS(), update deps (f96ac92)
1.0.2 (2019-08-16)
- color: add proper rounding to rgbaInt() (d956954)
1.0.0 (2019-07-31)
- color: update factory fn args for mem-mapped colors (eae671e)
- color: remove PD related functions, update readme (5d868db)
- color: Porter-Duff ops & pre/post-multiply moved to new package
0.2.0 (2019-07-07)
- color: enable TS strict compiler flags (refactor) (8c13166)
- color: TS strictNullChecks, update color conversion fns (04dc356)
0.1.10 (2019-03-04)
- color: add/update luminanceRGB/luminanceInt, add to re-exports (566cf02)
0.1.7 (2019-02-28)
- color: update ColorMode & Hue const enum handling (bb71b7c)
- color: add alpha()/setAlpha(), add docs, re-exports, update readme (b849bd1)
- color: add convert() fallback, minor other updates (aa30344)
- color: add HSI converters, add clampH(), minor refactors (404ac54)
- color: add Hue enum, closestHue*() fns, namedHueRgba() (e7bb46b)
- color: add luminance defmulti (445b8c1)
- color: add more color spaces, refactor, rename, simplify (e930d73)
- color: add multiCosineGradient() (dbbb26c)
- color: add new package (0b51ef1)
- color: add Porter-Duff ops, pre/post-multiply, update types (a5d2f98)
- color: add RGBA/HSLA wrapper types, update convert (610699a)
- color: add/update class wrappers (5788646)
- color: refactor porterDiff as HOF, update all PD ops, add docs (714381d)