This README should help you build Meld for OS X.
JHBuild is the build system that we will be using to build Meld. This step should really be done once and further builds should not require updating the build environment unless there have been some updates to the libraries that you'd like to do.
To ensure that we don't hit some issue with python not able to determine locales on OSX, let's do the following
export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
- Install Command Line Tools
xcode-select --install
- Install brew if you don't have it
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
- Clean any previous
rm -rf ~/bin/jhbuild ~/.local/bin/jhbuild ~/.local/share/jhbuild ~/.cache/jhbuild ~/.config/jhbuildrc ~/.jhbuildrc ~/jhbuild
- Ensure Python3 (required by new jhbuild) is used during the setup
brew install python3 ccache
mkdir -p ~/.new_local/bin
ln -sf /usr/local/bin/python3 ~/.new_local/bin/python
# We need to ensure that we don't taint the path during this phase with anything from brew or ports
export PATH="${HOME}/.new_local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
- Install jhbuild
curl -OL
# You will be asked whether to use own Python. I chose Yes
Would you like us to install CPython 3.6.9 with pyenv? [Y/n]: Y
# Put jhbuild in our own path
mkdir -p ~/bin
ln -sf ~/.new_local/bin/jhbuild ~/bin/jhbuild
# And backup the original configuration that comes with it
[ -f ~/.config/jhbuildrc-custom.orig ] || cp ~/.config/jhbuildrc-custom ~/.config/jhbuildrc-custom.orig
- Clone Meld and use our own custom jhbuildrc
git clone
(cd meld/osx && ln -sf ${PWD}/jhbuildrc-custom ${HOME}/.config/jhbuildrc-custom)
- Ensure that you have ccache
brew install ccache
- Ensure that PATH is not tainted
export PATH="${HOME}/.new_local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
- Build the environment
cd meld
bash ./osx/
This is a very long process depending on your CPU and your Mac load. One an old Core i7 (late 2012), it's about two to three hours.
This isn't right yet. Work in progress.
chmod +x osx/
jhbuild run osx/
jhbuild shell
chmod +x osx/
💡Output: Find the output dmg file in osx/Archives after you're done building.