- Coupons
- Session Based System
- Cross Device Support
- Multiple cart instances
- Fees such as a delivery fee
- Taxation on a the item level
- Prices display currency and locale
- Endless item chaining for complex systems
- Totals of all items within the item chains
- Item Model Relation at a global and item level
- Quickly insert items with your own item models
Laravel | laracart |
5.x | 1.x |
Install the package through Composer. Edit your project's composer.json
file by adding:
"require": {
"lukepolo/laracart": "1.1.*"
Include Service Providers / Facade in app/config/app.php
Include the Facade :
'LaraCart' => LukePOLO\LaraCart\Facades\LaraCart::class,
Copy over the configuration file by running the command:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider='LukePOLO\LaraCart\LaraCartServiceProvider'
###Documentation http://laracart.lukepolo.com
To Contribute to documentation use this repo :