- [Core] Ensure CoreDNS replicas are assigned to different nodes
- [Core] Added the default creation of volumes for containerd, etcd and root, if not indicated in the keoscluster
- [Core] Support k8s v1.30
- [Core] Deprecated Kubernetes versions prior to 1.28
- [Core] Delete cluster autoscaler references in the upgrade script
- [Core] Ensure that keoscluster exists in the upgrade script
- [Core] Fix clusterctl move retries
- [Core] Update runc golang module to fix GHSA-xr7r-f8xq-vfvv
- [Core] Improve command execution retries
- [Core] Uncouple chart installation from Dockerfile
- [Core] Support k8s v1.28
- [Core] Fix panic when keos_version is not defined
- [Core] Script the upgrade
- [Core] Support offline deployments
- [Core] Added validation for regions
- [Core] Added infrastructure validations for azs, vpcs, subnets and k8s versions
- [Core] Upgrade go version to 1.20
- [Azure] Bump cluster-api-provider-azure to v1.11.4
- [Azure] Add priority class to NMI
- [Core] Bump cluster api to v1.5.3
- [Core] Enable scale from zero for node groups
- [Core] Added new CR ClusterConfig for cluster configurations
- [Core] Support OCI helm repositories
- [Core] Restrict the maximum number of unhealthy nodes in MachineHealthCheck
- [Core] Set custom maxUnhealthy for CP and workers
- [Core] Added default retrieval of the latest cluster-operator helm chart.
- [Core] Override the cluster-operator chart and image versions in clusterconfig
- [AWS][EKS] Support aws load balancer controller manager (optional)
- [Azure] HotFix: Disable Azure cloud routes and fix Azure csi drivers in upgrade script
- [Azure] HotFix: Remove Azure cloud route table maintenance
- [Core] Downgrade CCM to match k8s version 1.26
- [Azure] Disable nodes CIDR in Azure
- [Internal] Add utility to upload keos installer docker images
- [Docs] Fix: EFS permissions
- [Docs] Add AWS details
- [Core] Fix: check if coredns PDB already exists before deploying
- [Core] HotFix: storageclass.parameters.label validation
- [Core] Change create_iam default behaviour (to false)
- [Docs] Add example full descriptor v1beta1
- [Docs] Update documentation
- [Core] Update upgrade script (upgrade-provisioner_v0.3.py)
- [Docs] Update required policies
- [Core] Add coredns PDB
- [Core] Add cluster-autoscaler annotations to evict local volumes (for coredns, metrics-server, calico, cloud-controllers and CSIs)
- [Core] Conditionally increase replicas for capi controllers
- [Core] Add PDB and PriorityClass to capx components
- [Core] Fix authentication for helm repositories
- [Azure] Add PriorityClass to NMI components
- [Core] Add upgrade script from 0.2 to 0.3
- [Core] Add remote command execution retries
- [Core] Bump cluster-operator due to hotfix
- [Core] Add status in KeosCluster
- [Azure] Bump Azure provider to 1.10.4
- [Core] Customize coredns configuration
- [Core] Fix wait conditions for unmanaged clusters
- [AWS] Bump cluster-api-provider-aws to v2.2.0
- [AWS] Add clusterAPI capabilities for AWS VMs
- [AWS] Add EKS secrets encryption support
- [Azure] Add Azure file CSI driver
- [Azure] Bump cluster-api-provider-azure to v1.10.0: Fix Azure VMs load balancer health check
- [GCP] Bump cluster-api-provider-gcp to v1.4.0: Fix GCP VMs load balancer health check
- [Core] Bump cluster api to v1.5.1
- [Core] Bump Calico to v3.26.1
- [AWS] Bump cluster-api-provider-aws to v1.5.1
- [AWS] Bump clusterawsadm to v2.2.1
- [Azure] Bump cluster-api-provider-azure unmanaged to v1.9.8
- [Azure] Bump cluster-api-provider-azure managed to v1.10.3
- Add clusterAPI capabilities for AKS
- Add clusterAPI capabilities for Azure VMs
- Add clusterAPI capabilities for EKS