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This package implements Drude oscillator methods for simulating
polarizable systems in LAMMPS. The package provides the following

* tagging particles as cores or Drude particles
* thermostating the Drude oscillators at a distinct temperature 
using Langevin or Nosé-Hoover thermostats
* computation of the atom and dipole temperatures
* damping induced dipole interactions using Thole's function

See the file doc/drude_tutorial.html for getting started.

There are auxiliary tools for using this package in tools/drude.

There are example scripts for using this package in examples/USER/drude.

The person who created this package is Alain Dequidt at the
Chemistry Institute of Clermont-Ferrand, Clermont University, France 
(alain.dequidt at Contact him directly if you have questions.
Co-authors: Julien Devémy, Agilio Padua.