Generally this bundle is based on Knp Pager component. This component introduces a diferent way for pagination handling. You can read more about the internal logic on the given documentation link.
Note: Keep knp-components in sync with this bundle. If you want to use older version of KnpPaginatorBundle - use v1.0 tag in the repository
- Joined count and items events into one items which now populates count and item result on event. This way it is more straightforward and cleaner
- Changed event names to more distinctive. Using main symfony event dispatcher service.
- Optimazed event properties for usage by reference
- Recently there was a change in repository vendor name: knplabs --> KnpLabs be sure to update your remotes accordingly. etc: to
- One-liner:
git remote set-url origin
- Knp pager component
- For now KnpPaginatorBundle's master is only compatible with symfony's master branch (2.1 version).
Use the v1.0 tag of KnpPaginatorBundle if you have to stay compatible with symfony 2.0.
- Does not require initializing specific adapters
- Can be customized in any way needed, etc.: pagination view, event subscribers.
- Possibility to add custom filtering, sorting functionality depending on request parameters.
- Separation of conserns, paginator is responsible for generating the pagination view only, pagination view - for representation purposes.
Notice: using multiple paginators requires setting the alias in order to keep non conflicting parameters. Also it gets quite complicated with a twig template, since hash arrays cannot use variables as keys.
- Creating custom pagination subscribers
- Extending pagination class (todo, may require some refactoring)
- Customizing view templates and arguments
If you use a deps
file, add:
Or if you want to clone the repos:
# Install Knp components
git clone git:// vendor/knp-components
# Install knp paginator bundle
git clone git:// vendor/bundles/Knp/Bundle/PaginatorBundle
Is it not enough symfony2 configuration? You can override default templates using parameters
// File: app/configs/parameters.yml
knp_paginator.template.pagination: MyBundle:Pagination:pagination.html.twig
knp_paginator.template.sortable: MyBundle:Pagination:sortable.html.twig
// File: app/autoload.php
'Knp\\Component' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/knp-components/src',
'Knp\\Bundle' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles',
// ...
// File: app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
return array(
// ...
new Knp\Bundle\PaginatorBundle\KnpPaginatorBundle(),
// ...
Currently paginator can paginate:
- array
- Doctrine\ORM\Query
- Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder
- Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Query\Query
- Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Query\Builder
- array with Solarium_Client and Solarium_Query_Select as elements
$em = $this->get('doctrine.orm.entity_manager');
$dql = "SELECT a FROM VendorBlogBundle:Article a";
$query = $em->createQuery($dql);
$paginator = $this->get('knp_paginator');
$pagination = $paginator->paginate(
$this->get('request')->query->get('page', 1)/*page number*/,
10/*limit per page*/
// parameters to template
return compact('pagination');
{# sorting of properties based on query components #}
<th>{{ pagination.sortable('Id', '')|raw }}</th>
<th>{{ pagination.sortable('Title', 'a.title')|raw }}</th>
{# table body #}
{% for article in pagination %}
<tr {% if loop.index is odd %}class="color"{% endif %}>
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ article.title }}</td>
{% endfor %}
{# display navigation #}
<div class="navigation">
{{ pagination.render()|raw }}