Bunny is a synchronous RabbitMQ client that focuses on ease of use. It is feature complete, supports all RabbitMQ 3.0 features and does not have any heavyweight dependencies.
One can use amqp gem to make Ruby applications interoperate with other applications (both Ruby and not). Complexity and size may vary from simple work queues to complex multi-stage data processing workflows that involve many applications built with all kinds of technologies.
Specific examples:
Events collectors, metrics & analytics applications can aggregate events produced by various applications (Web and not) in the company network.
A Web application may route messages to a Java app that works with SMS delivery gateways.
MMO games can use flexible routing RabbitMQ provides to propagate event notifications to players and locations.
Price updates from public markets or other sources can be distributed between interested parties, from trading systems to points of sale in a specific geographic region.
Content aggregators may update full-text search and geospatial search indexes by delegating actual indexing work to other applications over RabbitMQ.
Companies may provide streaming/push APIs to their customers, partners or just general public.
Continuous integration systems can distribute builds between multiple machines with various hardware and software configurations using advanced routing features of RabbitMQ.
An application that watches updates from a real-time stream (be it markets data or Twitter stream) can propagate updates to interested parties, including Web applications that display that information in the real time.
Bunny 0.9 and more recent versions support
- CRuby 2.1, CRuby 2.0, 1.9.3, 1.9.2, and 1.8.7
- Rubinius 2.0+
Bunny works sufficiently well on JRuby but there are known JRuby bugs that cause high CPU burn. JRuby users should use March Hare.
Bunny 1.5.0
(including previews) and later versions only support RabbitMQ 3.3+
Bunny 1.4.x
and supports RabbitMQ 2.x and 3.x.
Bunny is a mature library (started in early 2009) with a stable public API.
Before version 0.9, a lot of functionality was missing. Version 0.9 can be considered to be a "second birthday" for Bunny as it was rewritten from scratch with over a dozen of preview releases over the course of about a year.
We (the maintainers) made our best effort to keep the new version as backwards compatible as possible but within reason.
To install Bunny with RubyGems:
gem install bunny
To use Bunny in a project managed with Bundler:
gem "bunny", "~> 1.4.0"
Below is a small snippet that demonstrates how to publish and synchronously consume ("pull API") messages with Bunny.
For a 15 minute tutorial using more practical examples, see Getting Started with RabbitMQ and Ruby using Bunny.
require "bunny"
# Start a communication session with RabbitMQ
conn = Bunny.new
# open a channel
ch = conn.create_channel
# declare a queue
q = ch.queue("test1")
# publish a message to the default exchange which then gets routed to this queue
q.publish("Hello, everybody!")
# fetch a message from the queue
delivery_info, metadata, payload = q.pop
puts "This is the message: #{payload}"
# close the connection
For a 15 minute tutorial using more practical examples, see Getting Started with RabbitMQ and Ruby using Bunny.
Other documentation guides are available at rubybunny.info:
- Queues and Consumers
- Exchanges and Publishers
- AMQP 0.9.1 Model Explained
- Connecting to RabbitMQ
- Error Handling and Recovery
- TLS/SSL Support
- Bindings
- Using RabbitMQ Extensions with Bunny
- Durability and Related Matters
Bunny has a mailing list. We encourage you to also join the RabbitMQ mailing list mailing list. Feel free to ask any questions that you may have.
For more immediate help, please join #rabbitmq
on irc.freenode.net
To subscribe for announcements of releases, important changes and so on, please follow @rubyamqp on Twitter.
More detailed announcements can be found in the blogs
If you find a bug, poor default, missing feature or find any part of the API inconvenient, please file an issue on GitHub. When filing an issue, please specify which Bunny and RabbitMQ versions you are using, provide recent RabbitMQ log file contents if possible, and try to explain what behavior you expected and why. Bonus points for contributing failing test cases.
The cleanest way to get the specs running is by starting a clean rabbitmq server node on your machine specifically for the bunny specs.
Make sure you have a recent version of RabbitMQ (> 3.2) and run the following command from the base directory of the gem:
RABBITMQ_NODENAME=bunny RABBITMQ_CONFIG_FILE=./spec/config/rabbitmq RABBITMQ_ENABLED_PLUGINS_FILE=./spec/config/enabled_plugins rabbitmq-server
The specs use the Rabbitmq management plugin and require an SSL port to be available. The config files in the spec/config directory enable these. Please note that this config uses verify_none because the certificates are expired.
Next up you'll need to prepare your node for the specs (Only once):
RABBITMQ_NODENAME=bunny ./bin/ci/before_build.sh
And then run the specs:
Other widely used Ruby RabbitMQ clients are March Hare (JRuby-only) and amqp gem. Both are mature libraries and require RabbitMQ 2.x or 3.x.
First, clone the repository and run
bundle install --binstubs
then set up RabbitMQ vhosts with
(if needed, set RABBITMQCTL
env variable to point to rabbitmqctl
you want to use)
and then run tests with
CI=true ./bin/rspec -cfs spec
After that create a branch and make your changes on it. Once you are done with your changes and all tests pass, submit a pull request on GitHub.
Released under the MIT license.