- Animals get human rights and are no longer forced to endure life in slaughterhouses and be eaten. No animal can be harmed for food. Being vegan is normal. Caring is normal.
- Renewable & environmentally friendly energy sources fully replace fossil fuel use. Each country's grid is ran off renewable clean energy. Extreme carbon tax is implemented.
- All vehicles are electrical. Autonomous driving fully realized.
- Cure for all cancers & diseases (cheap immunotherapies, medicine, can regenerative any tissue/organ you need).
- Psychedelics legalized. Possession, purchase and manufacturing. Psychotherapy is available everywhere.
- NLP lets machines understand knowledge & language at deep level.
- Universal basic income allows each person to work on problems they deeply care about. Novel ideas can be explored by each person according to their interest & skill.
- Learn Anything is one of the top tools for learning and finding ideas. AI is able to craft personally optimized learning paths & connecting users to interesting novel ideas.
- No more Electron and other wasteful tech used. All apps are native and use optimal amount of resources.
- No more UX dark patterns. Each app/tool experience optimizes for user joy & empowerment.
- Ability to control computers with thoughts at high bandwidth.
- Smarter cities that are friendly to humans & wildlife, not cars.
- A lot of designated areas across the globe given back to wildlife to flourish.
- No dictators (China/Russia/..). Every country has proper democratic process with fairly elected leaders. Countries/cities compete for best talent & do best by their citizens.
- There are efficient tools to grow food at home so more people can live off the grid without government intervention and need to pay tax.
- Government conducts itself in transparent and open manner. Any change to constitution or law is done in the open. Every tax dollar should be accounted for without ability to mismanage the budget (no stealing).
I try to get to this future as soon as possible by setting and completing my own personal life goals.
Hopeful Pathway for Humanity is great too as are the many links below.
- The primary ingredient for progress is optimism. The unwavering belief that something can be better is what drives the human race forward.
- The idea that the future is hopeless is a bad meme that can bring down civilizations.
- Jeremy Rifkin: "The Zero Marginal Cost Society" - Moving into the world where it costs nearly nothing to manufacture, share or create things. The growing economy of sharing things and less need for ownership.
- Why we should go to Mars
- The Web We Lost, and What Comes Next
- Ask HN: What up and coming technology has you most excited? (2018)
- Table of Disruptive Technologies
- The Humane Representation of Thought (2014)
- Rutger Bregman - “Utopia for Realists” and Big Ideas for an Equitable Economy (2019)
- Mark Zuckerberg & Yuval Noah Harari in Conversation (2019)
- Bill Gates on Startups, Investing and Solving The World's Hardest Problems (2019) (HN)
- Ask HN: What's a promising area to work on? (2019)
- UCLA Internet50 (2019)
- Ask HN: What will become possible by 2025 in your field of expertise? (2019)
- Ask HN: A New Decade. Any Predictions? (2010)
- Ask HN: A New Decade. Any Predictions? (2020)
- Ask HN: What interesting problems are you working on? (2020)
- Reading list for the modern critical programmer
- It's Time to Build (2020) (HN) (Twitter)
- How Tech Can Build (2020) (HN)
- Progress
- Timeline of the far future (HN)
- Ask HN: What startup/technology is on your 'to watch' list? (2020)
- ASK HN: What’s a big trend we should all be following? (2020) (Reddit)
- The Roots of Progress - The story of human progress—and how we can keep it going.
- Progress Studies for Aspiring Young Scholars - Online summer program in the history of technology for high school students. (HN)
- Future of work + cities (2020)
- Fascinating Internet niche communities
- What happened to the future? - Founders Fund
- Which positive change in the world do you hope to see in your lifetime? (2020)
- Audio’s opportunity and who will capture it (2020) (HN)
- Progress, Stagnation, and Flying Cars (2020) (HN)
- Metatrends shaping the next decade (2020) (HN)
- Ask HN: What underestimated technologies will dominate within 5 years? (2020)
- Ask HN: What startup/technology is on your 'to watch' list? (2020)
- Ask HN: What are you surprised isn’t being worked on more? (2020)
- Ask HN: Predictions for 2021?
- Big Ideas 2021 by Ark Invest (HN)
- How to end stagnation? (2021)
- Focus on future path ways
- Ask HN: What under-the-radar technology are you excited about? (2021)
- List of emerging technologies - Wikipedia (HN)
- Which terms would trend in Google Search in 5/10 years? (2021)
- The next ten years (2021)
- What do we do now that people 50 years from now will think is crazy and unhealthy (2021)
- Predictions of the future (2021)
- Future from a16z - Understand the Future, How Tech Shapes It, and How We Build It. (HN)
- Marc Andreessen - Making the Future (2021)
- Speculating Futures - Solarpunky reading list.
- Industries to radically change in future (2021)
- What type of companies/industry do you think will be one of the biggest 20 years from now but doesn’t exist at the moment. (2021)
- Technological stagnation: Why I came around (2021) (Tweet)
- Films that are optimistic about the future (2021)
- Things Vitalik is excited about (2020)
- Ask HN: What are you 2022 predictions?
- 100 years of whatever this will be (2021) (HN)
- A Hopeful Pathway for Humanity (Code)
- Ask HN: Why is everything changing too fast? (2021)
- Ask HN: What's the next big thing in computing / programming? (2021)
- The next big thing in 2022 is... (Tweet)
- Ask HN: What will stay the same in the next 50 years? (2021)
- Ask HN: What are you predictions for 2022?
- Tech questions for 2022
- Predictions Scorecard, 2022
- Ask HN: What technology is “cutting edge” in 2022?
- Predictions for 2050 (2022)
- Ask HN: Disillusioned with the Direction of Society and Technology (2022)
- Cozy futurism (2021) (HN)
- What are the generation-defining stats of today? (2022)
- Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order by Ray Dalio (2022) (HN)
- The Future is Vast: Longtermism’s perspective on humanity’s past, present, and future (2022)
- What does the world look like in a decade if you're wildly successful in your mission?
- Ask HN: Software with biggest potential for positive impact in 5 years? (2022)
- Elon Musk: A future worth getting excited about (2022)
- The Forgotten Stage of Human Progress (2022) (Tweet)
- Vanishing People: the Population Crisis (2022) (Tweet)