#OBC - Javascript Demo
- this is a whole node project atm. obc-js can be found in /utils/obc-js.js
- examples using it in app.js near bottom
> npm install
> gulp
Alternative Run:
> npm install
> node app.js
##Demo Description This is a asset transfer and asset permission example. Specifically for cars.
##Demo Goals
- Owners and co-owners can change permissions for the car (transfer onwership, set drivers, etc)
- View who (full name of person or company) has permissions on the car from a VIN #
- Change ownership from entity to entity given VIN # and “ownership proof”
- Confirm ownership given VIN # and “ownership proof” (test that your proof of ownership is working)
- See historic owernship of cara, and/or prove who owned the car at a point in time
* "ownership proof" = tbd, something with private/public keys
- Owner – can add/remove all permissions to the car
- Co-owner – can add/remove non-owner permission to the car
- Driver – can drive car
- Passenger – can open the car doors
- Guest – can drive the car for a pre-determined time period (mm/dd/yyyy – mm/dd/yyyy)
###Attributes of a car:
- Users
- Vin #
- Make
- Year
- Licenses #
###Attributes of a user:
- user id
- permissions
- full name
- address
- public key
##ChainCode / SDK To Do:
- Write("name", "val", cb);
- ReadNames(cb)
- init_person("user id", "full name", "address", "pub key");
- init_car("vin #", "year", "make", "model", "user id");
- attach_license("vin #", "license #", "user id"); //-user id is person performing action
- get_permissions("vin #", "user id");
- set_user_perms("vin #", "user id", "perm");
- need multi var read in sdk! ie read(["car1", "car2"]); ... what if we do a lot here, like SQL syntax?
- remember the name of all the saved vars in cc, and export this list so sdk can get it
- check permissions of requesting user in cc
- verify user identityf, ie public private key stuff
- website to test cc, real basic
- demo app website
###ChainCode Notes:
- Due to performance issues, we probably want resuable chaincode contracts. ie 1 chaincode describe/constrains multiple people assets. ie ie many people and cars exist in 1 chaincode
- Any functionality that parties need to agree on should be in the chaincode. ie do not move it to the application b/c this then the moving parts beomce unenforceable.
- Chaincode should keep track of all key's that get their state saved. Have init clear these