nRF51822 Public
Set of basic examples for the nRF51-DK board using BLE
levitador Public
A magnetic levitation stand designed to showcase different products.
OpenChair Public
Forked from majinstudios/OpenChairProject aiming to create an electric wheelchair development platform, a wheelchair that anyone can modify in hardware or software to adapt to their needs or create new control methods.
tabbot Public
Forked from majinstudios/tabbotWheeled robot with a tablet on top.
microspot Public
Forked from gvJaime/microspot3D printable - DIY microscope
sed-hackers Public
Forked from vterron/sed-hackersMy talk to first-year Computer Science students [Spanish]
IntelliServo Public
Project aiming to transform regular hobby servos into smart ones by replacing their original boards.
DifferentialBot Public
C++ class for controlling differential drive robots smoothly based on throttle and steering values.
AirPad Public
Forked from owenlab/AirPadAndroid App to move robots over wifi or bluetooth
OmniBoard Public
Controller board for wheeled robots, based on the ESP8266 with three DC motors drivers, one-cell LiPo battery charger and Wifi connectivity
MotioSuit Public
Active motion capture suit which reads data from IMUs in real time and sends them to Blender over Bluetooth. Low cost and open-source
BT-USB Public
Bluetooth to USB bridge module to which a master can automatically connect to, so no manual pairing is needed each time
I2C-multiplexer Public
I2C multiplexer library and board based on the PCA9548
BlenderController Public
Script to control a robotic arm with the mouse from Blender, which sends the corresponding IK angles over serial port.
miniloki Public
Forked from davidsanfal/minilokiOmnidirectional robotic platform
de_cocinicas_con_nodejs Public
Forked from victordiaz/de_cocinicas_con_nodejsejemplos para el workshop de nodejs
FreeCAD-library Public
Forked from FreeCAD/FreeCAD-libraryA library of Parts for FreeCAD.